Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tiie b iod plays touiglit at Etum.i Square. T!ia Paradise of tiie Pacific tor •īiiue ’-vill be out in t»nae for tlie I Austialia. At 7;30 o’eh ok tbis evening, the Couuci!s will meet and dist‘US8 i'ae ‘•sit:iHtion.” W i’I Fred M io. be on t!ie Kahului track on tlie 4tii? And ei.iieuoe uuswers " vou bet. ’ Mr Preston of tue Advertiser is evidently in f.>r it. He iaay ba\o to aupear bi-f<»re t!io bar. Tiio K imeli i nelia GirisScbool wiil probubly not be finisbed before tbe begiuuing of ue>it yea r. T'ie b md coucert last nigbt at M ikee Isl nd was uot v«ry well ! atte:ided owii.g to tbe dis:igree.iblo weat(:er. T!ie "fema!e’ sutfrage petition preseuted to tiie convention y**stenlay. lt whs sigued by 117 women and 83 otiiers classified i hs men. Tbo U S. .Minster eutertained a fe\v fricuds at dmoer Iaat nigbt at S.m Souci. Prufossor Sc<;tt o( an:ies ilion f.uue whs one of tae j gnests. " — It is stated tbat tbe trustees of tlie Kawaialiio Semiury bave ! resigned It is boped tb it tbe ' worthy mstitutum will be eonI tinued nud necossary arr.ingei meuts iuade. Iu reconli:ig the time of tbe borsesou the llth of Juq8 an error whs m vde iu tbe heai wou by Jobnny Hayward iu giving tbe lime for tiie second quarter as 1 221. It was 112i. It is rum \re l tb it tbe Evengelictl Association bas passed a resMati‘>n ene mrag ng tbe goverutoo to eaf »rce cartiiu b*w.s now )ti tba st»t iie b>jks. S >cb a step would iutorfere seriouslv witb certaio meuibers of tbe Cooncils Tbe p. g supporters who kind- j Iy seot lbeir photograpbs to thU office, ean Lave tbem retorued nj»on appliealion. Their famiiies sbou!d not be depr ved of snch a memenlo of tbeir proud American ofisp~ifig. Tlie *wo Ct-nts starnp was i.iacelled. b t niigut yel be , used by au esper f.irger. T'i-e Ameroan I>aagua wīll enjoy » i oniiiou ly Tnurston ton»orr*w u-gbt at L.-;tgae hall. Mr. Ta bas beeo bottied ‘ fur sj Ioog a li ie tb.it a t:dal I wave ein bj es;*ectcd whea be gels "tbe fre <T • a of tba x>r. ’ * Jt «s tt*. t otbersf>*Hkers if T .un>U»u evar geta throogb UUing. - Xbē meetiog īa pnblio «U*ue mvitod. {
\ | Oapt»in Bobert Wtipt raided 1 1 a gambling den yesterday and j easght thirtv -e>ght Cbisese playi; ing fan tan. The tre«sary was , ; enrched this morning by the fine* , whieh the sp< rting gentlemen had ; topnt np.D»J Ihe poliee ever bear , of anythinggoing on in this town - in the lioee of poker g»mee. faro, . d;ce- shakiog. etc, etc. amoog , people vbo are oot Chmeee r , . Nothing bas ever heen recordeJ f yet to that etf‘*ct. 1 „Ī_J .