Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Police Officiousness. [ARTICLE]

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Police Officiousness.

h I \ { l Th« raii roade at Kapiolaoi j Park of a leged beer-sellers aod | their beer by the poliee wa3 1 mther out of plaee. If the ae- < ; ci:sed men bad broken th** Uw i I doring tbe day. wby w.is not an = ’ arrest oiade e«rlier? lf tbe polioe i hud sndicīeat evidence to make i < the raid why d d t’ e g*‘Tvinineut > faii t»> bring a easr* lf tbe beer i ! h«d to lie nmu»ted auder what • l.tw w.ns it draitk at the at«tiou : h ase by the < ffi?ials/ Huw t 'ver. | j tbe fizzle made by the p lioa i» ’ i not tho xnostobjection«ble f«t*tore j 3 of the uiatter. Tae f.»Ise rop>rt» f cirealated j*giiu>t iun< caut in- j v i divulul8 _ti the oiRci.il « rgaus’f uhouKl lw enrrected. ; i th$y injure the o.U us >n . v Uon—nothiog tu*t ean bo aud j k in U>« Htar oaa injure anybod/—* 11

bot heeaaae tHev injttre the T%o* tr*ck, tbe jockey elob *nd «il pro«pects of fatnro sportsMr. Ncd Imhcff who is e well-k nown coropradorie decided to vi*it the tr«ck *nd Uke io tbe neea witb his frlends and f«railv. Imhoff bas « verv large nnmber of frienJs «s anybody ean ncderstand wbo knows anvtbing abor.t the compn»dore b‘ s ness>. He toek a go<d loneh ■ wilh l.im be>:des eome drzens of i beer amd snfficī-nt iee. He p;»ced |bitnself acd f.\mi!y in a tent to- : gether witb hiueh and refreshI ment*- and wh le be freqaentJv ! w»s » sited by friends nol a cent { was ever asked or p?» d f<-r tbe \» h 'cb he h-*sj'itabiv ! offend t*> bi> c«ibrs When tbe i |M»tiee ia tde tbe great nnd clever Isvoop tbey caught Mr. Imboff"s i ice-c!iest vith elom l>ottles of i beer in it. Mr. Imh« ff tbere»tfter g"t into tbe pipers a -d he a!so g.»t his iee cbest «nd eleven bott!es. The ueer ent tmed at one tirae in the bottles h.»d cb»nged, iuto air wliile ut tbe puliee stHtiou. fnib<>ff li ul no intention of selling heer n<»r d.»l be du >o. bnt be saye tbat be iu the future w;li rather nnss the races th«n l»eing aauoye<I bv a f<>olish p»lice and a stdi mure foolish uewsp«uer.