Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Th • constitatioQ of 1340, dow | : prīute l on our (oGith p«ge. : : i9 Hkw.ii;a:i Ltw: p.iis}J hy l0t~.Judd uiul ‘niiwai *uarie»” HIcy years «go 3hoaiJ i o reul w;tu c*ro by oar presont •*onstit Uon-aml-law m.ikcrs. AiUicogh, U'nneU “bl«o 1hws’ aml emap:*.rcd to tho famous !u-w ( i tbey cout:.:u a; uiauy j.rio- ■ [ eiplen uf ii true iii eml goTernnieut as do thd cous itcttun aud U'JS iuauufacturetl 3V the loiib Ounaeā of t*id.iy. Mr. W Armsirojig eoaki reod iha seri«a 1 t witb some advanUga L