Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Clamorous Carter. [ARTICLE]
Clamorous Carter.
I C. L. Ci»rter. a <lel'-gite elect ed ander ti»e pecnli ir law passe l by tlje <>| jjarcity, bv wbi<-li oneninlii of t!ie peoplo of tliis eonntrv propose 1< p s!nte for tlie retnaming niie-tentl.s. lias lifted np his voice in tlie ‘*convention’ # hl iin-t “popul.tr el:nnor,” aod i **lo s ning t!io s ;feguarJa for g hhI f»overnment.” One w>>iild snpr. se tliat t!iis j)oIitical suckling wonld bavb the decency t<» g<> on vjtli liis present jol> to whioli “popiiInr clanior” lr»s not invite<l him. witbout using li.s uoemiah e posltiou to tlirow mud at tlu people, nnd t‘.erehy «lraw atten ion to himse!f and tlie features of what he terms the “iu<>nstrous eb’- tion of 1892” i'he special elect;on of 1892. to whieh this l)tnlding Lonl N«>rth refers, proved eone usively that tho people knew <»n wliieli side were the p-rjnred traitors to the oouutrys iiulepeinleoee, nml relegated them to a haek seat.Coani ciilors Brown nml Wn‘eiUonse were among the defeatej ami tlieir att tnJe t<' l »y iu opposition to every priuciple of representntive government. is tiio peop!e’s reply to the elev.ited Carter. The literatare of tbat election, largely wr;tten by P..tri«>t Ti;arston; stated thnt En.wn wanted the Electric lig!it works for his special bancfit, mIso the v.ater power on Nuuanu valley with a fence nround. Of courso, Thnrst»n m »y have nsod hig pen «nd his pusition iu tho legisiature t<> sc.are Brpwn, ont of jealoasy. or because Brown got his litt’e bill iuto the Honse for possossion of the afores>id e r;:i aud wateruud fence, before T!inrst«>n ln»d tuue to pro.uuIg »te ins iittie bili for tiie suue pnhlie i>r«);<esty. But the h»nd-l)iiis of that eleelion proved that th re w»s a vorv int.‘iesting triang ih»r fight g >:ng 0:1 between Thm*st'»n-Waterhon.se and lirown; «nd between the combined lot an l the people— i and C «rt*-r kuo\»s tl1.1t tiie lottcry qaestiou had very liUle t<> do wilh the aumerical gu!ph whieh sepented Br iwn with his 165 votes, from Maile aml Q >pkius. who eaeh baJ over five t;mestiiat naiober. The qu stion of 189 1, was tbe two cent. a pouud b >unty tr-aitors , ivrstis tlie j>o<)p e. and C«r»er kuowa th »t the resalt leg.il bal iot of the {leoiilo wou!d |>r»<luce I the same ix-sult touiorrow. Ia tbe meautime, Cart».*r ean coiuf«>rt himself with tbo assnranced tb:»t ■ “poj>ul*r clamor’ wiil get t ;ere; Mrs Partiugtou Carters brooming of the Pacifie to the coutrary | notwithstauding