Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — P. C. JONES! [ARTICLE]

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The Ki-Mimster o I- : Pinanee Wrtes an Injud c ouo Letter Tlif •u<iiig''nitfnt uf lbe Haw.-niiik fnm»ftys Coa|4u Uiui*t ltuv*- b.< n arnns«<l Vn r<M<ling « l«tter lr<»m P C. J.»n*-x, vli:eh (ijij*eire«l in tlie lu“t uiiiiibtfr <f the Stnr. Mr. Jon<*H, »ho i« well koown ht*re aa u strong «upjK<rter of the Y. M C. A.. »« the presi<itfnt of Brewer A Co., h.s utwice re«ignejl tDirii«ttfr of fin<nce, and as a geoer.-«l vnnd-b«g i« worrie«l. i He i« <ltfeply worried in«ltftfd. l»eeanne, acconlmg to hisi<l .i8 the Hawaiiuu Tramw«ys Coiopany j <1 *«n’t p.«y enongh t <xes uml beemiM- th-‘ stoek-h<»lilers of it |ive in Engi iiul or sornewbere el><M M r. J*<i.tfs has the sympath\ of the comnianity. bec<nse he h.ts alw«ys b< »• n a shininp eiiimpl** <<f patriotism uml uu«elfisbu<ss Mr Jones Joesn’t i wuut to ran nc<ble car or prornote h Compiiny in opposition to the (ip'H.-nl E’iplinh C<»mpanv. Mr. Jou<-> ih n.<t oj»tfn for any j<>b t>f that kio<l. H is Amer een pi«triotism m iv m.ike him boil over ocCKSīonaily, so he feels «*<>nij>e 1 le*1 to tell his ndmiring fullo« citir.ens:<bovtf bisHuccstors on l»n*ik<'r Hill; b it he is n >t carried away snfficienCy to oj>jK>se the lruniways (’■ *inj>:«n\ atiuj»ly le'aU'i*. it is British. Oh’ iiii, Mr Joues only think« of the Hawaiiau Tr«i«sury, aml he iuaktfs his ‘•stirtliii K ,> disclosnres * from a ju»rtfly j>«triotic f«eliug. We iuigltt aay tu.«t it is pecnlii<r thnt Mr Jones h»su’t rnade these discIo*nr«-s m for;n<r davs. 1 Soiuebody might think it reruarkabie th»t Joues wlu»n he was a miuisttfr offiu»noeboth nuder tl«e “rotten" monarc’>y and nnder tho ioimaeulHU) j>. g. kept his rnouth shut aud ioekml up m ihe secret — b.rt roomy—ciramber of his t b<>8om the facts whieh now strtro us iu the frtce Perhnps Mr. Joues. »t that time w,«s not j»repaml t<» show his j>atriotism rerh»j>s he wn» nu>ved to si!ence l»y a fe*Iing <>f *'Tirediie8s’’ gi«iueii from Bustou deaoon8. Whatever it was, he never s.«id booh 1 but uow he eomea oot iu 1 ▼irtuous indig»ation, and tue S1ir aiul eUim» th«t the Tramways don’t j»ay t xes enongh. He tells ns that the companv is m- 1 corporated lor 5*323,000, i«nd that the trtxes j> i.l ouly am >nnt< d to 964365 for the \< <r 1893 Then he shudders aud w« «re sbocked beyond descript>on But while he shudders, ami we are shi>cked j let us look iuto -oium of t!ie otber corj>orations who do b<isiuess aml 1 j>ay t»xes m thtfse isUuds A while »go Mr. J Cmme.uth asked the govt*ruiueut to furnish him with cerUin inf<>rmation in rtfgnrd to the taxrtti»n of corj)orations ns compared with their I iucorj>or«ttfd cn|»itaU and the divideuds dtclared. Mr Emine- ' luth a-ns ttffu'tfd beo.Hiise tho ! goTernnient did nol c<>nsider it, expedient to furnish him with i the desired iuforrunti<.>D at preaeut. To please Mr. Jone$ aud ease his TĪrtnous soul, we wdl : ‘ undertake the task of iuform>ng , the puhlie, and we ahali g<Te j i wme statistics īn regard to Ha- , ] wmian corporations that will pat Mr. Joue$ little experimeot iu! tbe shade. and altogether eelipae 1 his *‘®tartlirg” f«cts relatiug to | Ihe liawniiau Tr>»uiways Com- ‘ j»*ny. Let it be remembertfd 1 tbat we are iu no w*y attempting j j to deftfml or tfxplain unythicg iu e conuec!;ou w.th that highiy nse- | u ful eo(erprise. We siiupty pro- i t pose (o sfiow up the liti!e schomd j uf ,Vr. Joi <os, aad tho way “it is J i doue by ium aod bis fri«uds. , e W e ask our readers lo n so8|)eud jodgtfmeut iu lbt mattēr l< raiaed by Mr. P. 0 Juues, ami a sball endearor to fufaisb tberli / witb full particulars relatiog to n

!tbe following corporatioos in a j day or two | £n D«at. Co Cmp ai Stodc t 790 000 , Hsiks PirttV Co. -• - »i,000 H*krti«a Pl.ol Co. •• “ l.OnO.OOO Hsn« VUdV Co. “ “ »0,000 H«w«uxti Sag. Co. •• “ 2 000 •00 Ilu> Agr*c. Oo. “ 5O0C«0n I Hiio bag 1 Co, - SOOJOCO Plaat Co.“ “ 2 J00 000 K.i,ck« I L>a: Co. “ •• M0ff» iwU» Pkai. Co. “ 450 000 Uim PUai. Co. “ - :00.(»0 MakM 6cg«r Co. “ ** 500.0» «)a -t&K. xng*>r Co ** “ 500,000 P-o* Pl*_; C;< “ “ 75C.(W0 i w«L-.kcrt uidOe. “ - ,\uo c»x» a'aiieko sajr« C« ** •■ 26.'»,0C» Brvw« t O. “ ** OOO OOŪ M 8 Gnab-.u a£0e.“ “ ;*»,0*JO lUw Conitr >ctioi»Co.“ “ 4B t*iJ hrtv'a B. R C - •• -i.7.0U) <.**hu R. BXL.Co ‘* '• . ;».OX» We h ive pic«ed »-ut th- •tb<>\v «t mmlum. at»d w** f*-tfl :»s.snred tliat a»ost <>f th»*m will. when «u<ilyzf«l. gi*e a b-ll*-r sli«*wi»g tli»n the Tn*mways Cu. «loes. fur their stockh<*M-rs ml a Wor**e f«*r the t >x-«)ffice «nd t!ie tre «snry. SIih!1 w« begin witb the Oaomea Sugir C<». Mr P. C. Jones??