Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OEDWAT k Kohinwn B!ock, Holel St n heiween Fori and Nuuanu, Have Jnst Eeceiv<d, fer lale Arrivals. ifce Iargest Stcck of FUI'. N1TCT»E Ever lmported to t!»is Couotry, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Seti; In Solid Oak, andof thc LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N* IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS; WICKER WARE, Beau: fol Des : gns of Wick°r Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIBS, HOCKERS, etc., \'ou ean get tlrese in an* FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Countless nnmbers of CHAIRS, in even* style, including OFFIC 2 and HIGH CHAIRS. tables, We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAJR'S lo i utch. AVe have now in stock the most BEAUTiFUL 0ININ6 ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffonier!j D.vans coveror. with PORTIERS are becoming qnite the rago ie ulaee of LOUNGES -wh manufacture them to order, and have t ! laige stock of POBTIERS to select from. BEDDI1TG-. Great Assortment ofWOVE\ WIRE ilATTRESSES—Spring. F «i ■, Moss, Wi*ol uud Straw Mattresses ou han l and made to orde ■. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS anel SILK FLOSS for Pillows, CRIPS, CRADLES, etc. WIVX)W SHADES of all colors aad siz’s. CORN'ICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. 3Ī3 B 113101T O-. % Mattresses, L?unges and all Upholstered Furnitnre repaire«l i*,j reasonable n tes. CABĪNET MAKINO, in ali its branvhes. by Cornpeaent Workme:i MATTING L VlD and lut rior Decorating nnder the Sapervisi(u «•, Mr. GEORG? ORDWAY. Onr Goo«U :«re First Class. and our prices are the lowest Con «• and be cmvir*;-xi—a trial is s >licited. Bell 52. •. telepho.vks: Mutnai 646. ORDWA\ <fc ?ORTER, Robinsou Btock. between Fort and Knnai i.
H. MAY & Co, Tea D-3alers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98,Fort Stroes, - Honololi Pamiliea, Pb.nUtioas «od Ship« •opplieel with choieest Ewmpean JcAmeriean Groemet Oaliloniia Prodooo by £my