Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, Eifff?er, Stevedoix' a*d "VVrecker. ESTI3lATES asd costkacts os ALL KIXD8 or WOR£. The Schoooner MAIHMAHI, »11 ron regx>iariy bet»vao (hu port «u i ; Wualea. Kawailtip»i, MoknleU, KeB»enai snd Kmki on tbe Ulaoii ot Oahn. For Fmght, etc , appty to the C«pUia. ' Inquire at of J. S. \Va!ker, ov-r S]treckols ? Bauk, or Wright Bros» Fort Strtet.i dee 16-tf | Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathing Besort has been enlargetl ami is now oi>en to the public. It is the best plaee on the islamls to enjoy a batb and there is no better plaee to lay oti. Sf)ecial aeeommotlatious for Ladies. Tiamcars pass the door every half bo<irand, on Saturdays and Sundays ever)’ fifteen minutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor DAINIPPON Hotel street (Arlington 331ock.) 1 The «l»ve Store h.is reoeivc<I auolber Splcu<Uii Iuvoice of fl APANE5E ANC Y CiOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMlRI3ISO — BEAUT1FUL SILK 1AND CRAPE, Dn>v« Gooda in all shade, plain aiul tijpire>l. Cnshions, Tab!e Covers, Bed Cover», Oowu». Cheuiis« s, Shn»ls. Silk Crape llainliow Silks, AU Colors Faney Draperōa. EMBROIDEKD HASDSER'!HUFS DoilUes, Sonrfs, Sasbes, JackeU, Cape, Etc., E e. NOVELTIES: ; The rric<es of tbese Oooiia »i!l «st imah von, inciudiug ELEŪANI SILK KIM0N08! Handsome Cigarette Cases, Pin enaluon», Silk Tea C neiee, LIKOE IXI» SXiLL iAPIHEiE Kl«S Silk Unibrell«a, light bnt gtr<<Dg; Ch*ir Sa>ldlea, Silk; Haaihoo Biinda, htted vith ; ullej>; Silk Lamp Studea, Uew *tvU. J APA>E»E SCKECNS. Fn>iu|Jl p. LlKiiE JIP1.\ESB l IBRt LLi8 C*n be Set vith Pole ln t ia groand, niee fur Pieuie» or Lanehew oo t of dooK, thev oan be opene-i out or nsed t«k tenU COTT()N CRAPES 1N GREAT VAR:ErY GTInsp«ction Besp*ctfnllj Invited. MB8. J- P. P. C0LLAC3, PropTetress. AprlS-3ma Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. K. 0. S. f£ng.] L. R. C. V. lL»d.J D. P. H. [CmvenitT of C*n>pbnūge|, l«to o( WainaM, laūod ol K*t «1. HAS ESTABLISaED HIMSEIF IX THE oi» Lr<Mrlj oeeop» 1 bv Th. F. oa coruer *>f Āottti < *ad Pnnehheo*, S^een>. — OFFICE HOUBS; — • lell t *> 4 7 to S p m< •nian: Sto4p.a. i KlM Te». «M imr&f T*LBtB Hl i