Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAII’8 “ BLUE” LAW8 CONSTITUTION and LAWS Framed bv tlic ilissionaries. AMERICAN PRINC!PLES as they were Taught the Hawaiians FIFTY Years Ago. Missionaries Th.sn, Missioaari8s Now, NO CHANGE. <53 _A_el Ira.tsxestirLg- St\a.d-3r. COXSTITUTIOX. (Continn 4.) OF TIIE Jl DGES. E:ich of the Governors shall at Lis discretion. appoint jn<1ges for his particalar island two or uiore as be shall think expeilicnt, aml s!iall Rive them cert:ficntes of office. After h*«ving received their cer ificates, they shall not be turmd out, except by impeaeh neut, tbough it shall be proper at any tiioe for the l<w to liiuil the term of office. They sh:ill act iu the fol!owin{, mvpner: They shall give n<<tice before hand of the days on whieh conrts are to be hehl. \\ hen the time specifie»i arrives. they shall then entcr on tho trials accordmg as :he law sho 11 direct. They ehall be the jndges in cases irising under all the laws excepting those whieh regard t ixation, or difliealties between land agents, or landlordf aml their tenants. They ahall be sustained by the Govenor, whose duty it shall be to txecut« the law according t> their decisious. But if exception« are taken to their judgraent, whosoever takes tliem may appeal to the supremt judges. OF THE 8UPRE:iE JCDGES. The representative body shall appoini four persous whose duty it shall be to aid the King aud Premi<*r. and these six persons bhall constitute the Sup eme Court of the Lingdom. Tlioir business shall be to ttlo all cascs of difficalty wliieh are left uus«>ttled by th- tax officers and eommon jndgea. They shall g!ve a new trial acconling to the eonditions of the law. They shall }jrevious notice of the time for holding courts. in on er tliat tliose who are in difliculty raav appeal. The dec : sion of these shall bo final. There shall be no furtlier trial after theirs. Life, deatb, confinement, fiue, aml freedoni, froin it, are all iu their hands, and theip decisious are fi wl. OF CHANGES IN THI > CONSTITUTION. This Constitution shall not 1 a considered as finally establishe<l, until the people have g6nerally heard it and have a|>pointed }wsons aceonling to lie }>rovisious heieiu iuade, niul they h»ve givon their as;eut, theu this constitution shall bo considered aa perroanertly established. But hereafter. if it should be hought desirable to chang>i it, noliee ehall b»> previously gi en, tliat all the }>eople may understand the iiatoro of the }»roj»osed change, and the sncceeding year. «t the meetin-; of Ihe Nohlea and iepres»>nt«tive 1>»h1v if they shall ng oe as to the add:tiou pro}K>sod or as to the alteration, th >u they may make it. Tho above constitotion has b« en ngreed to by the Nobles, an»l we havo herounto sabscnl >»l «>ur namea. this eighth da\ «>f ()ctober. in the year of « ur Lord 1840. at Houolulu. (Signed) KAMEHAMEA III. KEKAULUOHI. LAWS of the iLAWAIIAN isla:tds. CHAPTI R I. A\ A\T Poivrr\o Orr the M*xxer ix Whioh the L.vwa SniLL BK Prc MCLOATlD. The snbjection of the }>eopl« to the chiefs, from former ages down, is a subject well uu» erstood, as is also a portion of the aneieol )aws. Tbat sul jection and those laws are not now as h matter of course d scontinued, hut there are at the |»reseut time many uew law . with whieh, it is well tbat all the }teople should become a« quainted. There is no way to make them thoronghly und» rstood except by printing. wberefore in a eooneii of tbe go»ernment the followiag acts were passed. 1. Hereafter no law of the ki) gdom sball Uke etfect without having been first printed an I made pahlie. Copies of the law sball be d livered to all the fo!lowing persons: To ali NobIos be)onging to th j eonneil. To eaeh of the Represeutativc Body. To eaeh of the Judges. To e»ch of tho officers. To eaeh of tbe poliee officers. and sboa!d a Hawaiian Newspai«er be pablished they >bali be published iu that and Consols of foreign coaotrie* ahall be fumished with ten popiea eaoh. (To Jk On*inusd.;