Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I » : 1 i i 1 l » : > $ > | t : l i t i i “( > \ i e T*s otice. A_moeting of the HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB. wili take pUoe »t ihe Paeino Club. on FKIDaT EVENINO, the I5th io?tant, »t ī:3U o'eloek. BUSINE&» IMPOKĪANI. W. M. U1FF»RD, 8ecretarv. jnae 14 2 *. POUND MAST£R*S NOTiC£. Nolioe is h«rehj jirea to al! pereou», th*t there ia at the Govenmient Ponmi at Makiki, one bl.u k nwn, vbite spot on the foivken(i, hianil iutieacnbabie on tke left nio i leg. iigbt ear hare been cnt ofi Anj peiaou or pemuua oming this mai» ar» reqnwtei to eone and take the vime on or before 12 o'eloek noon SATUKDAV, JUNE, 21 1894. JAMLS KUKONA. Ponp.l Mant«r. Makiki. Jnne. 12. 1S84. juae 12-lw dJj F. QERTZ, I1AS RE-OPESKD HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Oppf>s : fc» Clnb •* SUb!e on Fori Slreet. aad vill bo glad to aee hia old frtemls. C.T. AKANA : JJefe5aiit lailop 1 324 Naoana Sireot -N A.I1 Suits Guai*anteed To i'it an 1 in tbo Latoat Style. rWb<tCtoaaed aad &0MiZfi4a