Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Harry up with that side-valk ! Fred! ' — B«nd coccert to-night at i Makee lslacd. The C. O. Brvant le(t for & o i Franciaco to-dav. | The blae lavs are eootinmd on the foarth page in to-daj's iaaoe. Mr. LeoCooj*er »ill Iecture < n Friday at Uie Y. M. C A. Hall at 3 p, m W. B. Ash’s Cameo Oil paii - tir.gs are gaioing desened uot;i;e Ki(d pupalantr. The c*debrated M aimana'o c ise is goirg ou to d iy befo s J odge Whiting. Tho Progressive Memori il <*f the h»abbath, s*;rmon by Bishi p Willis will appear in the Hol*> xr.\ tomorrow. W. A. Kinney and V. V Asliford went to Maoi yesten.lay to attend tbe Circuit Court new being held in Wailnkn. Tbe art exhibition at Kiitg Bros is being visited d iilv bv n j uumber of people. Tbe eihihition will open only for a ft w weeks. School children are uow j counting the days to the appronc’i- i ! ing l°ug and huppy vacatioa. ;Their teachers are probab!y doiug the s ime. Mr. Lewis of the Hawiii. n i H<»tel haa resigned from tite m in»gement of tliat popul u' h<*s- ! telry. C. J. MeCarthy is meuāo.i- . ed as his sucessor. I —r . i i A henvy gale with occasional ! showers blowod all night. Tiie | dustto-<lav is blimliag and eho'e- ! ing people. The water-cart 1 is taking a vaeatioo. Wilder’s bteamship Oompan}' may send an escursi<>u sto uner to Kahului on the 4th to give t io loeal sports a ehanee to take in the races on M iui. ; Most ot the clerg\' and scvernl ■ lay membcrs of the Evaugelic»I ; associatinn have called at Wisli- ; ington Pluee aud exprosse.l th*ir undisturbed fealty to th*ir yae a n. i In a case now before t’ie Conrts tlie statement w s »na le tbat the esh»te of S. G. WiKicr is ! | now valqed at not less than ?800,000, after all legacies and encumbninces bave heen paid. Tbe 4th of July Committees aro i making arraugemeuts for t e celehration of Araerica’s national ; day. The exercises etc. will pr<> ■ bably take plaee on J. S T . M’right’s groun<ls on King Stre* t. The parties who were arrest«»d for selling beer on the race tra :k were cleared in tue District Court this morniog. The govermnei»t enteretl a nolle prosequi. X'i9 men are&ll rigbt, but how is t »e heei? There is considerable kicking about tbe race between Ncvada aud Johnny Hayward. If tl e Colouel Lud claimed a foul in- ! stead of a de.id heat th« ehaoeoa 1 are that hm horse woold h»\a I won the race. i»5j, ■ , • ~ A memb r of tha Evangeiicil association appeared m the roie of a highflyer this morning. in jumping from a street-ear. T» © , reverend gentlemaa evid-»ntly I hai no experience from his loc.d viUage in the eai jumping basiness.