Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
1t is tooi to hear AIr C. i L Carter n the constitationiil conveotiou tiefcndingf ihe measures whieh are inteiuleil to, for ever, keep he Refonu party in ! po»er. Ue )eminda biaco!leagues of days w ien he and others • risked thei: lives to heeome . doiuinaiit and he eioquentl\ urges them to st ind firm against the pe 'ple. It wouKl be of interest to le; ru when ilr. Carter risked his li;'e. 8urely, nobody i ■ ever Lad ai y vicioos design on I him and uo one ever took a snap i sbot of hi.- manly fonn. Tt e , , only time wl en be ‘risked his Iife' was when 1 e nearly tumbled of bis horse in potting Ihe animal to ehe greatest speed, wheu be as a special courier on ~ the 17th of J \nuan>‘ 1893, broagbt tbe otficiai r >cogaition of the p.g. from Slevea; to Wiltze, aboot five minnteA l\e’ore the p. g. was promolgatcc. If C.»rter had falt«n of bis horse then bc migbt kare got b irt. but as it is, he remaiu6, safe and soaad and very eare|ai not to risk hU life ct«b for po«er aod peif.