Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Contempt. [ARTICLE]
Tbe A<lvr>'ti<tr bas evidently a grudge agt inst Mr. W. fl. AUlrich. lt .ses its columns to ( work uj> as mueh feoling against the geutlei uin as it convientlv ! ean do. I i this moruing s issne the Cbristi; n organ was simply | convulsed vifli mirth, hecause a charge « f contempt of conrt !iad been bronght against Mr. j Aldrich, an l the morning sheet farnisbed . udge \\ biting wilh i all j*osHĪblt 8uggestions, iu regj»rd to ho v to decide tbe case before him. lu this iustance tbe Adveiii*er veut a little too far. It bas alw. vs beeu the. cust<»m * j of that p:«j er to prejo«lge cas«?s, I and there bas been seven«l oe1 casions wh .-re lbe courts migbt bave made eunphatic objections to the cour .e of tbe stuni-oflicial organ. He etofore it has escaj>ed. but to-div Mr C. W Ashford connsel foi Al«lricii called tbe ' atteutiou of Ju«lge Wiiiting to the outrag. committed by tbe : paj*er agaii:st all decency, and tl»e judge t« ok notice of tbe eomplaint, aml r»-«]nested Mr. A«b- . ford to brin » a chargo in proj>er form agtiu«t tbe editor of tbe J A>h'er(iser The case of Aldrich j was oontii ued tiil to-raorrow I when prob ii»ly Mr. Castle will ; be cited t » i«j»peHr, aud show! cause why h« should not be pouisbed f< r contempt of coort. { ,\notber ius «nee «»f a biter bit.