Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — The Chief Justice’s Report. [ARTICLE]

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The Chief Justice’s Report.

Tbe hieeaial report of the | Chief Josti:« of the Sopreme 1 Coort, bas been published *nd farnisbes s* me very intere«ting reading. T ie Judiciary Act h*s been foand rAlisfactory'. *Itbough then* «re r>< ints where it could : I # 9 : be improved. Tbe Cbief Jostice makee sever*l | • suggestions. e*peeiallr wilh the 1 ; view of f*c lit*ting the work of the Circuīt Courts. The docket of tbe Oal n C:rcnit Court is a ways over row«le«l aml it is imp*>sHihle f. t the presiding ju«lge t finisfa t’it c«len<ler Witfaīn the : ! st«tutory tine. Tlie propos:ti**n of the Chie Jo*tice is to aiiow i p**r»ous eon .'icted of utk-nseH to \vaive jnry u appeui, an<l ihen have the e »>es lieard and de-! t«rmioed be w«-en tenus. Divorce ! custs, it is tuggeste«i shou!d .»is<* l>e Leard m vacation. There enn be no «iiiu »t that the two sug-g»-stions wo ild be of gre.it &dvai!tuge iu xj*eJ.tiiig the work of tbe coiir( i. T’ie snggestion to repe«l the j»art of Chupter 56, laws «>f 181*2, whieli expressly forbi«lsthec >urt iH«isting joriesby coinmeutiiq ou the credibility. etc., of witi es.ses. we do not eonsider soui d. The presiding juJge sbou d not be allowed to assist the j rosecution or the de fense bv gi iug his opinion of a case on triu . If snch power is gi\en. the 1 euefil of trials by jury j wouhl virtu dly heeome nil. The repcrt eoulaiu* a large numb-r of carefully prepared statistics wi ieh prove that there has heon ai increase iu oflenses HCrtinst tb • opium Iaws and the O * gambling la\vs while there is a decrease in a rests for drunkeuess umī assaults The roport is gotten uj> i.i the usual neat au«l perfect manuer.