Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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JUST ARRIVED, m w w «I S BABY • CARRIAGES OF JLLL STYLES, CAKPETS \ IN THE,LATEST PATTEKN3. “sH OUSEHOLD. SEWING MACHINES Hakd Sewtng Machixes, tyAU With the Lat»>st ImproT«“inentsTj3 • • • • •-• PAKLOK Ori?ans, Guitarc. Aq<1 Otbēr Mnsioil Ixi2»tnnuēQti. • • • • •-• \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS OX HAXD, AXD ,POR SALE BY Ei). HOFFSCHUEGEE 4 00. KI&k St.. oppo. C«stle A Cooko*a 1DjA>T. LY()XS DAflCIHCī GL/\SSES Meet «t Arion īf:tll evor>' TUESDAYaml FRIDAY EVEN - INGS, nt 7 o’eloek. Also, on eierv S\turday Aft rnoox. at 2 Tuition, 25 Cents for eaeh L«)s.son, aml 8atisf>ction gaarar teed or no charges made. may 8-tf, Emepiue SaIoon, J.\MES OLD3, PfcoPEirroR: pine Wir.es, Liquors. 3ee?, - ALWAS OX HA!sD, Corner Xauanu and Hot!e Str-<U. Be 1 T«lepboue 3(1. Po*t Offioe Box 107. Chas. T. (Mek NOTARY PUBLIC For tbo IslaD(l oī Oaha. * Agent to Take AcknoirleJgment8 to Labor Contracts. A};ent to Grani Marriago Lieen»es, Honolnln, Oahn. Agent for tbe Haw’n lsiands of Prrr Jc Scott’8 Freight and ParceU £xpress. for, the Borlington Bonte. Bsil Estets Bnler aiiteenl ir»c 3-48; Mut. Tel. 139j P. O. Box -415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 M£BCHANT SUetl Hooolnlo, H. 1,