Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OBDWAY 4e PORTER, Robinsou Block, Hoiel St., hetvyen Furt and Nunanu, Have Jnst Eeceiv«d, fer Late Arxivei8, tle Iargest Stcck of NlTL r PiE Ever Imported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oak, and of the LA TEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N T IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS: WICKER WARE, Beant : ful Des : gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAlRS, ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean get these in auy FINIriH you desire. CHAIRS, Conntless numbers of CHAIRS, in every style, inc)uding OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. EXTEITSIOIT We have had a uumber of calls for these T&bles, with CHAIRS io ■natch. We have now in stock the most BEAUTiFUL DINiNG ROOM FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffonier:s jymvANS.vi D!vans coveretl with PORTIERS are becomiug quite the rago in plaee of L0l'NGES—we maunfactnre them to order, and have & laige stock of PORTIERS to select frora. BEDDiira. Gre.it A«?ortm2nt of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, B aii, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and made to oriei. L1VE GEESE FEATUERS and SILK FLOSS fur Piliows. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. M INl>0\\ SHADES of all colors and sizes. COR> ICE P0LE8, in wood or brass trimmings. 33 B 1IE31<3-. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired i.t reasonable rttes. CABINET MAKISG, in all its branches, by Compeaent Worko en. MATTINQ LA1D and īnt-rior Decorating under the Sapervisioi cf Mr. GE0RGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are F:rst CIass, and our prices are the ldwest Com i and be convincad—a trial is solicited. Bell 525 telephoxes: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY & I ORTER, R>biusou Block. between Fort aud Nuuan i

H. MAY & Oo., Tea Dtialers, Ooffee , Roasters AXD Provislon Merchants 98.Fort Street. Honolaln Pamiliee, PUnUtions and Shipe snppiied vith cboicest Euwpean &Ameriean Groc*rie* OeUlomU Prodnoe by Every SU*uaer. miW illll— m