Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

WM. DAVIES, * Stevedoix' axd TV r recker. ESTI1IATE8 a.sd CONTEACTS 05 ALL EKDri oF W0BK. The Schoooner MAIIIMAHI. »ili rnn regaUrir bet«>«c tlri* p»rt u>d 1 Wuil*. Kawuliip«i, Mokakia, K«avecoi •n<i Kniki n tKe uUod ot Onha. For Pmght, etc , appi; to the OapUin. Inqnire at OfSc’ of J. S. Walker. ov<-r Smeekels' Bauk, or Wright Broe Fort Street* <Uc 16-tf Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. lt is the best p!ace on the islan<ls to enjoy a bath and there is ao better plaee to lay otf. Sj>ecia! aeeommodat!ons for Ladies. Tramcars paaa the door even- haif Lourand on Satnrdays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. F Hotel street (ArIington Block.) The eboTe 8tore haa receive<l aaother Splviulid Invoioe of 0 jJapanese pAN C Y pOODS, Pcr S. S. “China. ,# —COMPRISINr,—

BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dre«s Goo«1«i iu »11 sha«le, pUin a-id tigured. Cushions, T»tile l’ovtis, BedOovens, Oowa-,, Chemiues, Shaw!s. Silk Oape Hainliow Siiks, All Colors F»ncy Drapt riis, E1BR0IDEE£D HAHDEERI’51EFS Doiliiee, 6carfs, S»shec, Jackete, C»ps; Etc., E;c. NOVELTIES: 1 The Priee»of tho«e Goods will astiaish vou i . including : ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N08I Hmdsome Cig»rette C»ses, Pin Cu»hious Silk Te»C LIBiiE AND SM1LL JAPiIESE BUVS Silk rmbrell*s, light but stn pg; Chjur 8»dd!es, SUk; B»mboo BItnds, litt«d »ith pilleys; Silk Lkmp Sh»des, new strW. | J in>ESE SCREO S, From %3 l>. LiBA>K J1PLSE.SE U9BKELLkS Can be Set «ith Pole In tl e grouad, ni«efor Pienie» or Lunebo»oct o t doors, Utey atn be opeaed out or uaed »t * tenk COTTON CRAPES 1S GRĒAT VAR1ETY tyluapeehkoe BespectfullT Inrit*l. MSS. J. P. P. COLLACO. Propnetrecs. Apr]3-oma Dr. Ed. Armitage, M. B. C. S. fEng.] L. R. C. P. ]Lond.) D. P. H. [TmTerwty q( Canphridge], l»te <x Waimee, laLani ol K»uai. ||A8 KSTABLRHED HIMSELF 1N THH firaacriy oempiel bj pr. F.«e. ai BiTrrani« a»d Pttodi!vw' S .ee ». — ornc£ Hot’RS: — • to II a.m.:S to4 p.m.;7 to Ap m. fcswn; Stoip.B. - T«L m (ajrSSi TeLB#U Hi