Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HAWAH’S “ BLUE ” LAWS CO\STITUTIOX and LAWS Framf*d bv the Missionaries. AMERiCAN PRINCIPLES as they werc Taught the Hawaiians FIFTY Years Ago. Missi3sar:ss Taea, Missioaaries Nov, rr NO CHANGE. -A-n. In.tezsstir5.gr Stu.d.3T. CONSTITUTION. * ( Continued.) They <ibali *ti!l retain the; * own appropri»te lands f whetber districU or plantutioi>s, or whatever divLsions thev m»y be, and they may conduct the business on said lands at their disoretion< bnt not at Vhriance witb the laws of the kingdom RESPECTING THE EEPIESENTATIVE BODY. There shall l>e annually chos<*n certain j>ersons to sit in eonneil wlth tbe Nobles aud establish laws for the nation. They shall be chosen by the people, according to their wiah. from Hawaii, Mani, 0»hu and Kanai. The law shall d* cide tbe foroi of choosing th- m, and also the nnrober to be ehoaen. This representative body shall have a voice in tlie bnsmess of the kingdom. No l.w shall be passe<l withont tbe approb ttion of h mnjority of them. HKS'E<T1NG THE MEETINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE B(>DY. There shall be an annual raee:ing ns sfcite 1 above; bnt if the B«Iers think it desirable t< meet «gain they mav do it ut their discretion. When they as8emble, tho Ncbl<s shall raeet by themaelves and the reprosoutHtiv© body bv themselves; thongh at snch times as they shall tb nk it necessHry to consult together, they may uuito at their discretion. The fonu <>f doing bnsiness shall be as follows: The Nohlen shull appoint h seoretary for themselves who, at the meetings, shall rec<>rd all <lecidons made by them; and thnt hoek of reeords shall bo preserved in order that no decree« affecting the iuterests o' tbe kingdom may be lost The same «hall be done by tbe representative body. They too shall ehooee a Secretaiy for tbemselves. and when they meet for the j>urpose of seeking the interests of the kingdom, und shall eome to a leeiaion on any point, tben that decition slmll be recorded in a hook, and the book shnll bo preserved, in onler tha( nothing valmb!e. affecting the interes(s of the kingdora sh< uld be lost; and there shall no uew law he made, witliont th > approbation of a majority of the Nohlea and also a majority of tbe ropresentative body. W hen any act shall have be< n agreed npon bv them, it shall theu be presented to the I ing, aud if he approve and sign bis name. and also the Premier, then it sliall become a law of tho kiugd<<m. and tba law shull not be repealed until it is <lone by the voice of (hoso who established it.
RESPECTING THE TAX 0FF1CERS. The K nc «nd Freinier shall appoint Tax Officers, and give them their certiticHtes of oll ce. There sh«ll be «listinct t»x officers for eaeh of tho islai.il», at the discrotion of the King and Preraier. W hen a tax officer hns received his certificate of appoiniraent, he shall not be disraissed from office witbont firat having a forraal trial. and havi ig been convicted of fanlt. at whieh time he shnll be disni»sed. Thongh if tho law sliould pn-scribo a given unml er of yo«rs as Ihe term of office, it mny be done. The following «re the esta >lisbed duties of the b>x offlcern. They shali assess the axes and give notice of the araount k> all the j>eople. th t tbey may uuderstand in suitnb)e tiroe. The t«x officer> »hall make the assessment iu aubserviency to the oniers of the Governors, and in aeeonlanee witfa tfae ret|uireme its of the law. And when the taxes ait> to l»e gnthered. hey shall gather tbera and d«*liver the pruj>ertv to the G« vernor, aud the Governor sb«ll pty it over lo the Prerai.*r. aud the Premier sfaall deliver it to tfae Kiug The tax officors sball also havj charge of tfae public labor done f«>r ihe King. tboogfa if t iey see proper to commit it to the land agents it is well. bnt the tax officer* being above tbe land ag»*nts shall be «ccountabie for the work. Tbey shall also fanve cfaarge of «11 new bnsiness whieh tbe Ki»g sh«ll wish to extond thn ngh tfae kiugdora. In all bnsiness, howevt»r, they sfaall bt snbjeci to tfae Governor. The tax offieers sh«ll be the judges in «11 cases arising um!er the lax law. In «M cases where l«nd agents or l«ndlords «re eharged witb opprestiug the lower classes. and «lso iu «11 casei8 of difficoity bet«een laud agents aod tonants, llie Ux officers sb«ll 1« tbe judges, and alao all cases arising nuder the Ux liw enacted on tfae 7tfa of Jone, 1839. Tfaey sfaall tuoreover perform faeirduties in tfae following uiannen Eaeh tax officer shall be confioed in his aatfaority to his own «ppropriate dis!rict If a difficulty ar:ses between a iand agent and his tenaut, the tax officer sfaall tiy tfae case and if tbe ten*nt be onod gailty, then tfae tax officer. in oouneeiion witfa the h od agent shall execnte tfae law npon him. But if tbe Ux o£cer jndge ihe iand agent to be in £ault, then fae sball not fy «11 tfae Ux officers of hia particnl«r island, and if the.* agreed, th©j ehall pass senteuce oo faim and tfae Gove-nor sh«U execate it Bnt in all trials, if «ny individual Uhe exceptioo to tfae decision of the tas officer. be m«y ap{«al to tfae Goveraor. wko sfa«ll faave p *wer to try tfae eaee »gain, and if exceptions are tjikeu to deci&ioQ o( tbe GoT*rnor f od iuform&tioa rtten to the Bupreme Judges. tfaere sfa ill be a new «nd fiual trial b«fure tfaeu. e (To Bt Co*tinued./