Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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\\ t E. $ Be\o [IMPOBTEBS AXD DEALEB3 tN G-roceries, I?>ro\T.sions UD !Feed, EAST OOEN'EK FOET k Kf>'G.STS. New Croods Rec'd By 6Tery Packet lrDia the Efistern St%tes an>l Fresh Californi* l’rod ue bv even- stoara*r. All orders f*itbfally attentled tv. nnd delirered to anv part of the city FREE OF CtlAl*GE. Island Ordurs Solīcite*l. S\S s'j.ctiou Guoranteed. Post Office Box No. I4ō, Te!ei>hone No.

OCEAXIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL E. S. 9. AUSTRALIA, "■ ■ 1 ■ 1 —— — i Kerosene Oii. i ‘ THE ALOHA,’ High Grade Oil. Piiee M'>derate. at I. H. 0AUIE8 8 Co. my 16 Im F*. GERTZ, HAS RE-OPEXED HIS i I Boot & Shoe Store, 1 the Cinb •' St ib!e on i Fort Stn*et. and wiil be glad to see his old frtends. may7-tf. C. T. Īailoī 1 321 Nnoann Street -A.11 Suits Guaranteecl To Fit and in tke La;est 8tyle. Ciothes Cleaned and Bei>aired. no!7 CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STRE£T, Mclnernj Biock. ? ! JOBBERS OF n W' INES, and SPIRJ^§

PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner Kiog «ad lionaoo Stre*t». EDW. WOLTt R.,., U»Msje?. Thf F'.uest s«i>>«aou ct UQUOKS asd B2UL *oU anrwiwre in th* to»a. F>rrf-clasi ktt«udeoc«. Call and jndge for yroi»eI/. no SO-'f. Thc u Eagle Houae” 2Tcx The Leasc and the Good Wiil of ihU Favorite Faniily HoteL there are four detaCBED C ann**! d t> Ihe c« toI sa ; ttb.’e f >r priv.ite fimili» 3. Th« maio bnitdii g eonliinH 20 Betl Rooms brg- Dimng Room. ?arlor. etc. The f irn:t re is all e eg«nt and in g o<! co»i<liti>m. The Grmm<!s <re brn»tif<ii!y l"id o it in Tre*s. Fl->v\tis, Fenjs, and o‘her I’!«ois. Th<s busiuess em bel»r>nght ai •i b!rgiin on easy term8 as tu paya ent. gay.\pp!y to T. E- KROFSE. ArIuigton Uutel c*Boe. inny 9—tf THE eOMiiHEP.eiAL SflLOON, Harry KlEMME, Manager Cor. Nuuann & Beretmia sts. Honolulu. H. I. Tha Only Sport ng House in Tuwn. O. I 3 . S. a Specialitv. I<0HENGRIN LAGER 'BEER, A!ways on Dnught. > GLAS5ES FOR 25 CENT3. Bcst of TT 'in.es, Li(juors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iul tf i NOTICE. • At a meeting of the stocth'ldn{ the H OLOM L*A FUBLISH ,j>G CO. (Limited) held ou tbo 55:h inst., tbe f.»llowing p«rsous 1 r.*ere duly elected cfncers for tl»e eosning year; Chas. B Wii,sox President F.dvi vd Nokkie. . Vice-President (r. E Smithies Secretury (}. E 8mithies 1\ J. Testa Auditor BOARD OF MA.NAOtB8: iC. W, Ashford. A. P. PrrEnsos AXD F. Harbjson*. G. E. SmTaiEU. Secretar3*. Anchor-;-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA," :.Aaother Iqvoxc€ of the World Renowoed ; FREOERICKSBUBG UGER BEER I I * On draoght acd by the keg. Alao, as a Specialty, SMALL FRESH CAUF0k;HA 0Y3TERS iFO!t COCKTAXI.S