Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The Ailrertiser who catcbes a persons eve osoal!y wir.s • costooier. M*ny ilitferent sty1es of advertising have been a.lu})ted am! wītb more or!ess scccess, by tbe believers iu the nse of j>rinters ink. Tbe manufacturer» of Pears Soap. for iustance. occasion allv bny pnintings tbat bave been on exhibit»on in the Pr«ri’s S;«lon au«l have litbograpbs maile fiom thein for the parpose «f brioging their pro«l ict before the |>eople. In ad,lition to s-»ch side issues, Pear sj>ends hnndreds thousands of doliais annualiy among the newsj>apers aiul magnzines. Some years ago tbo Agents of certain article on sale in New York mnde a bit in advortising by baving on Broadway during business hours two fatlaessly drossed Negroes weariug voiy highcollars. on the backs of whieh w.is priuted “Use Smiths Pills.” The idea was novel »nd tbe pnblic caugbt ou. Kisiug Sun Stove Polish has beeu kept before the pnblic for years through persistent, and sometimos expensive advertising. Twenty o«l«l years ago the mannfacturers of thi» polish started half a dozen men acrosatbe orui neutto paiut sigus on rocks and fenoes. The Aermotor Co., of Chicag«j hnve iu- ! creased its sales raore tban five i tmndred per cent in two years bv the use of priuters ink. We beheve we bave been instrnmental in increasing the sales of the Aemotor by koepingevorlastingly i at it iu liawaii. We do not wish to say that advertisiug will se)l auy manufac- , tured article; there is no use spending money in advertising •‘eheap and nasty” go«xls because the people will not be hoodwinked. lf Haviiand Ohina was not the snperior nrticle ,it is. all i onr advertising of it wonkl not have sold the thonsauds of 'pieeea thut we bave. We simply eall the attention of the people to it and its superior quality is apparent to the custoraer directiy a pieee of it is exarained. Printers ink has belped the aale of tbo Jaraes LoekeU Fenco but it wOulil not have Jonos so if it had been as tiirasy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the econouiy thero is in baildiog it recoramends it to tbe plantaticu manager and then its durability cUnch«s th« the sale lf tho stays and washers cost as mneh as an ordiuary redwootl post our sale.s of the rnaterial would uot have reached | such enormoas proportions. Onr average sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is aboat two a Jay the year round. If was not the best iron stove on tbe raarket we wouid uot sell tbat raany m six raonths. Advertising is tbe tip t> the publ:c tbe good poiuU in tbearticle seils it just as the good qualities of tbe Fiscber Steel i Range make it a desirable article for peopie who wisb toeoonomi.se in tbe use of fuel. We buy only what has proveu good after people iu the United States or £urope hare given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we boy ami seli tbem; if they are poor we steer clear of them. When we advertise an article it is to attract atteutiun to it; tbe new» paper ; s the buttoa we po.sb, thu salesman does tbe rest. Persisteut advertising coupled with tbe artidd being a superior one has sold tbou.san.ls of the Franic Walcot Emory File. If it bad been no better than an ordinary scythe stooe we probably «onld not bave so!d twenty. When a man finds ont tbat his 4able knives roay be keptsh>rp at all times at an exp«nse of fifty eenis aml a very liUle elbow gradse Le is qoite willing to try the expenment. Tki iiniiu HartiiK a> 907 Fort SM*>