Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — The Bogus HaWaiian Republic. [ARTICLE]

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The Bogus HaWaiian Re public.

The fidvduleot government ' whieh Lm» b-en ho!ding swtv on the Havuiian Is : ai d, d not to Lave be*-n v«-ry »ucces.-f*il it> the ehelion «>f delegjt“S to the 8 *CsUed ein«titutional oonvention. Onlv a amall min«*nly <>f the (,*oi pulati> n h >ve r:g ; ster-*d The t«»tai , registratiou sas but 1,507 m Monolulu. and out < f thes>* th«-re were »nly «i90 Ararr‘Citns Toe Portn—g iese, Japui»ese and Chin«se raade np the r« st of the number. wilh but 185 i,ative Hawuiiana. Wiial j s>>rt«*f a (*.ipul«r g>*verimieut will it be, if i s e »«istilati>»u is frauied by p«-re>»us bv a very sraa!l • part «>f tlie popuiaSion? A grea‘many Amer<c ii.p refrain- ; i«d frora regist*-ring f>r f*:ar uf j ther t bv f >rfeiting their Araerican i citizeuship. If it h<«d n>>t heeu f»r that, lhey wou!d d<»ibtless have « d d in ihe f»rmulatiou <>f the ! • ne*v constitutiou and the estab!ish- ; uieiil of ihe ‘*republic” to be based us>«>n it. »V r hat rig!U h:«vr Ame- l rieaii ci.izens to «lictute to the , j*eop!e < f another country the j f>rra of g>v«runeut th*‘y shall have? lt is notorious that t!ie vast inaj>*rity «>t the native inhahiiaiits of th«*se Isla»ul are oppo#e«l to the *e;f appointed provisional governni , }nt and theb g<is rej*ublic iln leudeis are atteni|*ting to set I “Pif a nmuber <*f a«lventurous Auieneau? d«*Hirvtc t,tke t>ossession of H«wa.i, es>ti»blish there au ulig- | archy, aiul conqner the n«tive 1 iuhiihila its, they sh«ul<J carry Jon tlieir sch j tne oi*eu!y. hnvely and f «irly, n« d uot j»os«; ns the redeein>ts *<f th«‘ertuutrv aml the savi(>rs 1 • 1 the jkv»*le. Tie dusky Queen. wh >ra thrv deposed,*it <y be all they barepaini ed her, b it aiie was theinonarch whoni th>' i*eople wa>iteJ. That is the great «najority «f the peopie. The Aniericun—mc»t of them—desir**d the overthrow « f her go ver.itnent and th*-y co(nbiued wilh the oonn vunce <*f ihe ihen Umted \ St ile mi ister. t * dep «e h«r «nd ■ set up a i >vernment of t!»«-ir <>wn They s tce»tled in one j*irt of the pl«t. Aud now rn isl of th»*ra ar.- i trymg to >-*ccupy the d<»uble pos;tk>ii of American citizens and ; quasi cit:zens of a rej>uhlic 1' * I whieh ia more of *» desputisra th»n j the monarchy thcy have helped to . ca>t dow i. It is miaerable b isiness for citezens of the Uu:teJ State to engage in. Aod when the full tbe outrage are | made plain to the Amenean repub- ! lie, there will be a mighty change uf i eenlimen, *o relation to the Ha- ; waiian «juesti«n and the cuirec • pur*ued i»y the preseut «d ninia- ; tration, 'Jhe whoie afftir will soon i i be exp«>9*<l toth« gize of the world I and the coodero*iat w» of all just , people —Salt Lake //ern/tL