Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 137, 13 June 1894 — John A. Kahoonei Is Dead [ARTICLE]

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John A. Kahoonei Is Dead

i Jobn A. Kahoonei, a weli-1 known Hawaiian, who, at one ! time plared « promicent part in Hawaīian poiitics dieJ this morn ing at bu resiJenc» at Kapalama. Tbe dec?«sed had retired from active participation in po)itics for tbe Iast few years owing to his failing 1 ealih. He was at one time prer ident of the Hni Kalaiaina, nni ha»I great indnence among Hawaiia s. es|»ec;ally amoogtke ojembersof tue lioman CitLolic Chnieh. Inthedaysof Gibson, he wus conspieuons in pubhc lifo, and did consider»ble | l-olitic.al work for the promioent statesmu i. Jobn Kahoonei was a guod ivpresentutlve of the old Huwaiiaaa who now so rupidly are (>ass ng away. The funeral took plaee this aftf-rnoon.