Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I —— ' Editob Holomua: Witb all tlne difference to tbe j ooail>in«a a;sdoiu of tbe fram».*rs | of tbe new tionstitutiou. to goveru tbe new narion, io pro»j>eGtive, I wiil suy tbat to juy mind, tbe 8rd articie of Uiis mstromeut seems to stxike ■ | poisuBOas fangs ju tLe >ery be >rt | of tbe uiost essentia) e!eoieut pf a < republican f >nu of governiue 1 Dftiuely tbe freedom of speteb ! aud of tbe press Tbe libeity of | tbe i>reso »s tbe (rue mea.sare of tbe liberty of tbe ’ieople. lbet oue cannot be attacked witb,>ot i iniur3‘ lo tbe otber. Tbe peo|>lt’s j tbougbts oiīgbt to be perfecily ; free. To bribe or &tiltie tbem in , tbeir *cru.imiry is a criiue agni ist bumanity and the Iaws of G >d. j For wbat ean we eall oor ovt. if i our thougbts &re not oural £o i Conntry ean long be &afe wl en j tbe ffedtlom of sj eecb and 'he • press is inteHered witb orabjajjlg- j ed. If tbe Sni articie of ‘ cunstitntio«i is a speoiiBenrud , epringing from thrir tree of Iibe iy ' to blossom aud be*r Repab!kar. fia:t sucb frait wiM bt> līke »be ; applee on tbe dead sea sbore -ill \ asbesio tbe taste evea vben sog»r coated and tl orough!y venet r-d Bot tbe cbanged polieiea aad $ torreuts oI edicts and deeieee| lrom BkiliUry depot» will sot
cbenge tfce tboogbts aod tbe 1 indistractibleoess and iotbecocapreesabil:ty of tbe migbtv maaaee of meo. and will bave no more. etfect ihan do the alteroate cbanges from sonshine to storm faave epon tbe sommit rv:cks of the Aips or the Ande«. The early gyroptonis of its inenhaiion and its sp’smotic throes shadowed fortb lia ruinoos etfects apon the commanity as is shown in tbe enmity engendered io the ouee ba: py hom«-s of the j*eoj>!e —in tbe c..urch ••ml in t!<e ;»tf.tirs oi state dividing. scsj>endīr.g an<l crippling soci->l iotercoors« ar«t.l the disorg ta:zed pakiie miud hna beeD forccd to a wsr with īts«lf. aud bomes that wvre onee a p.vrad»se .-»re turned inU> a pargatuiy as it were. Ti>ese are «>ici> of the fru:ts of the labors of the prond Pharasees, »bo ihnukeii their Go*l, that they were not as otber men. ext»rtioners, uujn*t. adulterers, or eveu as those jx>or publicans an>i Rca:»1is's. Such are some of the fraits of the New Nutiou —these are the trophies < ! . their victory. Let them bind tbem iu festoons and wraatbs to ' adorn tbcir gailtv brows. while the pale ghosts of ch:tng ng jh>1ī- | cies of government c»use tbem to tremble with fear at eveiy vu*tlii g Boya) p »lm leaf and to cry I out, is t!»is our enemv 1 see l»e- I fore me in my dreams ‘ Wo nnto yon scribes and PharHsees. hyj>ocrites, bec >nse ye l>nilt the ! toti»bs »>f the prophets hd»1 : gaiiiished tl»em etc. D<> not awake the sleeping. lions in the henrts of the j>eople bv robbing them of their tlu>nghts or their press or seek to j>lace n p»>n their , uecks a co!lar u»arked 'our dogs i .. ’ ( ; pMoi>fk.vtob. ;