Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
I 11 . fW> 4o aot faoid ict I : tfae opa-ea* o» tfac aumoeei oi ; < eocmc<«.faeu.] j 1 I Ei>itoe Holomua: i, ! In yonr is»ae of tbe 7tb iost. ( * I Bot ; ced a letter froro “Conntry , i DUtrict' asking a nair.ber of qaestions, mai>y of tbem aboot | tbings no fellow ean nnderst!>n*l, ■ i bot bv rour permission l »īsl eodeavor to «nswer one or two of ■ tbem. It is understood by al! * good soldiers that tbe c>>mmsndi «of tbeir chief in ust be obeve«l | vrithont qaestion. Now. we * Royalists |>rofess to !>e tbe s»ob- ? ' jei*tsof Her aje»ty Qaeen Lilin- ! okalam. sbe is oar cbief. and bus is'Oetl instructions to sabjccts !o k»-e!.qaiet until tbe Unite«.l St«tes ' lm\e decided whether or not tfiey w.il tuncti<>n the theft perpetrated by tbeir Miaist' r Stevens. We, (moeh to tfae ch»grin of tbe p. g.’s) bnve ol>eyed tbat eoinm<ind so far; wby play into lbu | bands of tbe p. g.'s* at tire lnst moment? Let us wait, and iu fact, we mii<t tcait' (as these isi— . ands nre now aiuler tbe government of tbe Ux_S. Admirai. so far . ;<s the maintaiuing of law and or- 1 der is concerned)to do otherwise, I wuuld bring ns in conflict witi> the United States. It eannol 1m a long time before we be;<r froi» tbem, and if it is onfav«>r:ib!e to Her Majesty, it will tben be tin>e euoagb to act. but for l<eaveu’s s;»ko let us not give the p. g.‘s : the opportunity (for whioh they are pruying) of calling on tl>9 Admiral to protect them! It is the act of the veriest fool to lose the gnuie by throwing away bis ’ last trump. I do not tbink it good forra to oall in quest:on tbe 1 acts of a miuister accreditej by a 1 friendly power, so long as lie is ’ retained by his government, for j if be bad failed in his duties it is 1 quitecertainhe wouldberecalled, j 1 i tbis not hnving been done proves i 1 be is carrying out the policy of | 1 b s govermuent. Tbere is a snake 1 in tbe States whieh wonld be u > “holy terror” on!y nature has so j endowed it tfaat it is compelled to * 1 warn before it strikes. and so en-1 able its iutended victim to |, escape, wby sliould we act so' foolisblv ; bctter keep tlie rattles j still until the right moment nf- j ’ rives. FUīTnntry District” eao i i rest assnred that tbe Boynlists of > i I > Honnluiu are not al! cr vms, but j * : be must bave aoticed that it is L ! ■ I I uot the noisiest dog that wins the j ’ i He, alao appears to be t“rrib!y worried by tiiis uew coustituti< n, ’ I do nni sea w!ty. to me th-y [the m..kers of it» seem to bt* act ’ ing in the way 1 have seen elii -l-| ren iu bniiding a honse of can;s,i ' it is fnn to Iheni, let theiu enj yJ i it, tbey naay perhnpsfiuish it. < .<f ■ ’ get the ro«)f on before Presid«; * i Cleveland is ready with the fum* • | iture wfcu;b 1 bnve a notiou w ill be foaud too big for the hous>i, [ bnt it will either have to be foics ed iu oy another more substant!al | one built. A.lTTosou\, .1 -