Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — From Bluefields. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

From Bluefields.

New Orle*ns. M«y 29 — The •UMiusbip Espau» bas arrivetl. briagiog Biaehei«ld date tu May 2Ist. Everytbing w*s qmet tberē. Tbe Britis'b war sbip Magu ienne bas rvturBed from Coloo, wbere i abe had gone to cable to tbe j Loodoa ohiee the arrirat of Cbief I C'larenee at Blnefields, uoder Bntiab prutectiuu, aod to ask for furtuer inatractiuns in Uie matter. Captain Clark was tuld to proceed witb tbeformal instalUtiou uf tbe voung Indian cbief as soon as be receireil oeiiee frr>m Minister Goeliog in as tbe Bntisb Governmeut was deter> mined to upfaold tbe treaty of Managaa at ail cosb». Captain j Ciark aod Cunsol iTitoh expected to bear from Mmister Gos.iog by the end of the montb. Captam Watson of tbe 8«n Franoiaoo bad a long conference w.th Captam CUrk shortly after Uie Utton retorc lrom Colon.