Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

|hti(mal Ii>on Wop^ Stbx*t, Between Alakea & Richard Sts The UXT'eksignt:p w to mxk* ftū kiaōa a* * Iiob Eim, Bn>3v 7jtw Tia ukI Lnd C«stistrv A!so G*a«»J B«pair Aop for S(MB2 Eajtus*«, KwMiIk, Con> MilU, w »>r Wie,| MilU, ete. V*chian Ior Us« o( Coffee. C««4or Oii*. Be*as, R*ou«, Si*«J. PiMopple Lmt«s Jk otber Fib»oa* Pt*atm, Am Pmper Stock AJ»o M»r!u!i<« for Slatrrh (tom th« M*nicc, Armw Root, *tc. OT AU Order> piompti_T «ttende<l 10. «VHITE, RITMAN « CO. TH E Provisioūol GovenimeDt 0FFrciAr» LrsT of mem BEHS AM) LOCATlOK OF BUKEAUS. Ej[ecctivk Cocscil. 8. B. Do)e r PrwMent of ine PtotUoqiI Provenimrnt of the Utiruuui Uuinds, «u>t MtnUter of Kor»Tjni /ihln. J. A. Klng. MiniMer>>f the Interlor. M. f>«inon. !iliiuter of Fin«nce. " • O. Maith. -\U>>nie> -Gener.i. Ax>visobt Cocxctu w. e. \vu,ler. Vtce-PreM>lent ol the ProTl*ton.! tn>Temmrnt of the H.wali.n Ui.iule. 0. B>.’tc, «’eeil Brown, Jobn N»tt, Johu Kna, J.mes F. Mor».n Kd.S hr. Jo«. P. Meiulonon. Ch.s. T. Rodgers. Oounei:». John Kmmeluih. E. D. TenueT, W. K. Allen. Henry \V»tcrlu>u»e. A. Younr, “ eh. F. M. H«tcl Secret.ry Ei. . d Ad* Stpremb Cocbt. Hon. A. K. Jiutd, Chlrf Tnstlce. Hon. R. F. Biokerton, Fir»t Auoot.te Juslice. Hon. W. F. Fre«r. eecond AwoUie Ju«tice. Henrv īimUh, Chlef Clerk. Geo. Lue- », Deputy CIerk. C. F. Peter»or..See nd beputT Clerk. J. W.lter Jone*. Steuogrupher. Cibccit Jcdge«. (W. A Whiting,i .. hn }d. E. C.»per. ( °* hn Fir*t Clrcult: SecAndCfromt ' (mIui') aTV.‘Kepoikul. Thudand Four«bCireuiU: (H«uaii)S. UAuallu Klllli CTrcuit: (kauni) J. H >rdr. Offlco» and Court-room in Conrt Houae, King street. 9tlthig in 11 .nolulu—The flr»t Mond.y lu Febru.ry, M.y, Au*,i»t .ud JJ, \ember. Depabtmrnt or FoBnr,s appaik». oaieem e.piioi uulMi g, Kin* *treec Hi» Excellency Haulonl B. Doie, .«luuster ol Furet(u AtfUlrs. Geo. C. Potter, 3ecrePry. W. llur.ee Wn(ht, Liouel H«rt, Clerk». DBP.lHT*KST >r lNTkttt>)«Officeln Eieemlee Buhdtn(, Klng «trecu Hl» ExceUeucy J. A. Kln«. M;nl»ter of Iaterlor. Chief eie.-e. J»h > A. Uiu nrer. Assista.it Cler»»; J.mes H. Boyd, M. K. Keoho».io,e. Mepuen M.liaulu, Geor«e C. Kvm Edw.rd 3. Boyd. Bcxbxc 0» AaXlCCLTTIX *ni> Foustst. Pre»i(:etit: Hl» Excei!cncy tne Mhitster of lntertor. Wm. G lrwtn, Ailan Herl>ert. J<um Ena, J>wepn M.rsd«n, Commiaalouer and seciet«r>. CHter» g( Bcxc«r», lNTxa:o« Pkpikmiki siirTeyorA>ener»l. W. 1>. A:eSsnatrr. āupt. Puh» e WorL«, W. E. Ko-eii. supt. W.ter W»rk», Andrew Hruwn, lu»pect»r. E>ectru. Ugti(», Johu C«sstdy. K«(i.lr.r ..1 C >uTe> .uce*, T. U. Tbrum. Ko.d Huperrisur. H uoluiu, W. 11 Cummlng» Cnief Eugiueer Fire Depl., iu. U. ilanL 9upt. luuiiie A»ylum, Dr, A. Mc'V«yne. Pkf*m«XNT O» FlN*NC«, Office, Execnlive BulUUng, King >treet, Mlnister o{ Plnanee, Htx Excetleoey 9- M. U.auon. Auditor-< >«neral. George J. R»«s. Kecmr»r uf AeeouuU, U. Asuley. Cierk. ol Ktuxi.ee oifiee. E. Ju Mciucrny. Col.ector-Gener«i of Cnstoin, Jo, B. C«U«. r»x A»»eMor. O.nu, J .u». Sō«v. DeputyTxx W. C. Weeilon., P.4tiux*tcr <reuer»i, J. Mort U«t, Cc«roin bcuxu. Offiee. Caxtom Hon*e, EspUu.de. Fort Kmi Codeetor-Oenerat, B Caxie. Deputy-Co-.eeU>r F. B, Mc*toeker. d»rhor!i>»»ter, <;«i>Uiu A. PuLuu. Port S-jrreyor. M. » 9uuder*. 9tore.ee p. r, *jeurge C. 3tn»t«eBeyer. D«pskt*ixt or Arronx«T Ox*«.»i_ OOee in Kxeeatlre BaUdla«. Kine >tm«i Attomey Oener»l. W. o. 9mt:& Depu:> Altotuey.Gcoer«i, j. K. W’.ider. CkT«, J. M. Kem. ltsn..s.. E. G- IL’.eheoek. <;.rT« U> M'I>Q.i, 11. M Do». Der>niy kiMui, \itimt M. Bmwu. J*āor Oaim Prtsus. J. A. i»w. Prtxoo Phj*leUa, i>r. C. b. Cuoper. Boxno or 1 m*ioxxtwh. - Pre*Ment. 01» Exeeiiener A. K!og. Mem bvr of tbe Bowr 1 of fmmfapnufaM»: Mou. J B. Athert»o. >«. H C«st!e. Hon. A. B. Cngn»rn, Juaew G. dpen«er Mxrk P «oHma. 3ecretxry, W«y Tayh>r. Boxxn or Hkxlth. OAeeln gronodsaf Court Bonxe Boil ltag, eoroero< Miilianl »ad <4aeen itrwtx Mnehen Dr. Dnj. Dr. Mlne». Dr. Aadrews, J. T. Watcriiooxe Jr., Je&a Eiu, Theo. F. Laaatag ■ad AU«raey-Geaerai 3mlta. Pr*wdeui -uou. W. u »mutk. faavttry-('fau. Whenx. Cxccuure Od»er—C. B. ReynoId». iu»peeu>r aid A*nx<-r _>l Gxrh.ge Qet nem U L tx fhtw, lnspector—G. W. C J«ce>. Purt Pfcyxici« .. Dr.<*. 8. An-lpew». ln.p ua.ry, Dr. a. W. Ho»vi i<ep«r >>.h«iuedl. Dr. K. K. uurer Boabd or Ei>ccxna». Ceort Home 8ttildlog, Khig>tieet Prak!dect, Hoo. C K. Bixhop 9ecretxnr.«. J«mes nmua. luxp«vr of Bebcofe. A. T. Aiklaaon. 3.M. Chrk