Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
! InsuranceNotices. Pire, Life <£ Marine IMSURANCE. HARTFORD FiKE INSURANCE C0.. Asset8, $ 7.109.825.49 LOXDOX LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assets. $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES MERS£Y MAHINE IXS. CO„ Assets, $ 6,124.057.00 j * 1 XEW YOKK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO„ Assets, $137,499,198.99 j C. p. BERGER, Genera! Agent for the H:i\miuu llonuiuia FIRE & M A RINE. THE UNDE11SIGN£D IS AUTHORIZED TO T\KE FLRE vxd MARINE RISKS ON ]Slerchandise, Hulls, Car^oes, and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES. IN THE FOLLOWlNG COMPANIES, viz: Roijal Insurance Company, - Liverpool LHianee Assarunce Fire and Marine, London \VilheUnaof Madgebur$ Geheral lnsurance Co Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco ,J. H. WAI ,KER, Auent tbr Hawaiian Islands. Telki*hoxī:s: Bell 351 Mutual 417 Rb8ID£Nce; 1 Muiual 410 | P. 0. Box 117 i E. B. THOMAS, G0NTRACT0R and BUILDER i < Kstimates Griven on AIl Kinds 1 or 8B, 1114,0111 MN B11LDING» AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradc, j Attended to. i KEEP8 FOR 8ALE: BncK, ume, Cemeat. Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old <k New Corrngated lrun. Minlon Tiiea, QoaiTj Ti!es, assorted aiaea and colore; Califonua and Montex»y Sand, Granite Curbing and Bioeka, etc., eto. 1Corner Jinr A Sm«fh Sts. Office Hown. n to la M.. H04P M.