Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I j Sans Souci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, HONOL0LU. * F/rsf-Cfass Aeeommooafions for l'ourisfs and fsland Guesfs 9 UPERI0R BATHWG FāC/LJĪIES. Private Cottages for FamifieS. *yfr. a. simpson. Manag<r. . POL'ND MASTEB'S NOTiCE. Notif« is herehy "ieeu to all j>or* un, tb«t there is at the Govcrumeut Ponu i nt Mskiki, one l.lai k nmre. white sjK)t 011 Ihe ; forfche«‘J, braud indfc>«.’rib*b!e oo tue left hin 1 ieg, rigbt enr have heeu cnt ofl Any peiaon or pemoua owntug this mare are retj>ie«te<i to eo ue nu<i | take the same on or hfcfore 12 u'eloek noou SATUBDAY, JCNE, 2a 1S94. JAM£S KUKON A. P«nn<i Mnsfor | Makiki, Jane, 12. lS9t. jnne 12-lv <Uy 0EMENI gIDEWi\Ll$ -’and dui 1 bing Laii. Estimates given*ou all kiueU of • | : {Joqcr8t8 Woi^ C0SCRETE |A SPECIALTT. i JNO. F. BOWI.EE, jan!7 3m Chas. T. Ouliek | NOTARY PUBLIC I For the IslanJ of Oa'ia. Agent to Take Aeknowlee'gments : to Labor Contractr. I Agent to Grant Marriago Lieenses, Honolulu. OaL’i. Agent for tbe Haw’n IslanJs of j Pitt k Scorr’8 Freigbt and Parcels £x>)resa. Agent for tbe Borlington Hoaie. ■ Beal Eslal! Snter alGoenl P % BellJTeI. 348; Mul. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MEB».T?Ay Slrwi Hunnlnin F THOMAS LINDSAY Maf*nfad*ring \J«uxlo «n*J