Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LEWIS i C0.. WholesaleJand Retail Gro A>*D PHOVISION PEALEIW. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON !GE By Every 8aa Fiaacisco Steaaier. Salt Salmon ix Barrels a Sfecialty. III Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, p. D. Box 297. W.W.WBIGHTASON £r Carria«:e <6 Builders u u In All Its Braxches. Horse8hoeing A SPEC1ALTT. 97 and 80 King St,HonoloIn AIerchant Exchange t .... Corner King auo Nnnanu Stre< U. • I. SHAW....Manager. The Fiuest selectiou of LIQCORS and BEER. 8old anywhere in the iown. First-clasa attendance. Call and jndge for yourself. no llJ-tf. Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T FOH Any Port or Lancling in the Hawaiian Islancls. Inqnire at office of J. S. Walkeh over Spreckel’s Bauk# l4-tf. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnernv Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS dEH£NT glDEwJ\L$ -*AS1> JjpaqitB (k>bing Laid. Egdmatea given*on*all k mis» oI $toe, &qcnte C05CEET« |A SP*CLALTT. & JNO. P. BOWLER. julT 9m