Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hui*iness Cards MACFARLAKE & C0. Dealers in Winei and Spirits 9 Kuhamun Street, Honolola. H. F. BERTELMANN. OOXTRACTOR AXD .BCILDER,' 86 King St., B«ll Telephoue 107. H. E. McINTYRE &.BRO., Gbocebt, Feed Stobe k Bakebt, Corner of King aml Fort Sts., Honolnla B«U Telepbone 381, P. O. Box 32 W. W. WR1GHT k SON, Curria<je and Wagon BviJders IX ALL ITS BE.VXCHES. 79 »nd 80 Kmg 8treet, Honololo, H. I. F, H. REDWARU. OONTKACTOK and BUH T 'ER. No. 506 King Street, Honolnln. Hawaiiun Islands. HARRISON BROS., CF* COXTRACTOBS AXD BITLDKRS, 208 Fort St.. Honololn. J. PHILL1P8. PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTER rOPPER -SMITH, Honse and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 1 1 Ki l o« Kir<u>i. VI BRUGE CARTWRIGHT t5usiness o( a Fiduoiary Natnrv Tranaacted. Prompt attention given to the management of Eatatea, Gnardianshipe. Trnsta, etc., etc., etc. OjHces, : Ca.'ttt.'right Building, Merchant Street. Honolnln Eiias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,^ Corner of King and Beth«l Sts., Cpataira, Enlnnee on King Street. Opf(ce Hocbs—From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundayg excepted. “fatboy." 6AY H0RSE 33 SALOON I P. M. INFP.NV, īuniiw, I \ Flne Liquors. Wines and Beer. Coa>-B Bethel am> Hona Sts. CHAS. CIRDLER, lmporter aiul Commission Mei-ehaiil 8PBCIALTHi>: J. i P. Co*U' Maehine Thwad ionaaJBrx>ka MachineThr*d BarbonrS Lioen Thm*d Pe*rs' So*p P. O. Box 358. M a taaQTelephaoe IX 13 Eaahaaaann StneL M. LOSE, Not»ry Publio. Colkdor and General Busine& Agerd. Paleniee of Losk’s Compw«d for Clarijying Caue Juice. Sub-Ageut for m o/ Uu Be* FIRE L\SURANCE F.O.