Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MAWA.il HOLOMUA 18 rt*BLI8HED Everv Aiternoon exckpt snrDAT bt thk Holoaua Publi3biag Co. At King St (Tbomas block), Honolalo, H. I. J‘3’3SCSI?TI0'’, per 2£onth, 50 Cts. The p»|>er u delirerea by C »rrier» in tbe loeo id(1 iaborth. Siimle Copiw fjr Snle •( the New» I>ealt-rs »nd at the Offioe of pnhheelion. EdUUHD NORRlE. * - Editor GEORGE E. SUITHIĒS - Manager N()TICE. AII Bnsin»«w Communlcation» shonld be •iliiw*!»'»! to O»*orge £ Smithie* HonoInln, II. I. Onire«ponaence aud L'onimnnieaUone tor enhlieaUon Hbould be ulilnwiel tu tbe k>litor l»er»ii Uolouiu». So notice will be p«ud to sny «uionymous eommuuioaUon». Dusiness Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTX)RNET AT LAW. OfBoe: 113 Eaahuuianu Street, Honolulu Hawaiiau Ialaud«. CHAltLES CBEIGHTON, ATTOEXET AT LAW. Offioe; 113 Kaahumanu 8treet, Honoluin Hawaiian lalauds, PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY at law. 314 Merchaut Street, Honolula, Mutual Telephoue 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATT0BN£Y and couvscllor at LAW. Offloe. Old Capitol Building, (Honolnlu Ualel, adjoiuing‘Poat Offioe, Hooolulu. jOHK lota kaulukou, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, corner Kinp A Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and Genenil Auctioneer. Coroer Fort and Quecn Strae(a. Honoluln Personal attention gīren to Salee of Farnilare, Real Estate, Stook and Oeneral Merchaudise. Uaiual T>-leubon« 239 A. ROSA, ATTORXEV AT,LAW. So. 15 Kaahamann St, Honolala, Hawaūan Islanda. M. H. LOHEIDE, 8IGN AND ORNAl£KNTAL P [Hawaiian Hardvare Co.] All orders promptly attended THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfuduring and Watchmaker, t>lelrwray Bhwk. 405 Fort. 8«f. W. S. LUe Win© and Soirit Merchant ('impUU F*rt-proof Biodc, ftlEBCHANT8n.. HONOLULU JaA' 5 mm - ■5 £ m: