Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — THE IITH OF JUNE. [ARTICLE]
Sports of 01d Days Revived. Sharp at 10 o'eloee ye»terday, i the bel! on the jodge’a aiand w»s tapped and tbe five bycic!ers who were to contest the first race appeared. II. E. Walker was the the favorite acd bets were freely taken on bitn against tbe field, , George. tl. P.»ris, A. L. C. At kio3on. T. P. Camrains. and N. A Chapraan straddled their wheels and raade it warm for Wulker. He evidentl/ expected that aud appeared in the covolest dress imaginHble. In fact he was the personification of Mr. Boetre’s j ( and Castle’s ) tbeories and he dtd appear in f.tiigce nniform. Ho won all tbe s-tme and raade j his oppoaents blnsh—bis friends a!so nearly binshed. By qaarj ters he made his tirae in 45. 1:28, 2:12* 2:54. Atkinson eame in as a handsome No. 2. There was a tiine when everybody thonght that Jack wi>old l>e the Champion. Tom Cummios w.->tked his raa ehine very well. The rnbber on his hiud wheel was punctnred and in spite of Toaimy‘s first class move be wasn’t in it. Charles. B. Wilson «ppeared ou the track after the bicyclers got home aml starteJ the horses. The time made by the f!eet i animals is given here by qnar- • ters. Leilani and Lolokalani started. j The last naraed beautiful mare beI louging to Horner won, hauds j down, Tiine ‘25 sec. 53. Senator Stanford and Amonno i made their appearance and both j were loadly applanded, Araorino was the favorite, pools sellling at 25 to 20. The Kealia horse staid wilh hisbackers and the gray stallion, altbongli well ridden and witb a broken girth couid neither beat Amoiino or the time, Amorino’s time was 26 51, 1.19 1.48, The j Rosita eup will remain ou Jobn. ' Cammin s aideboard for another season. Lolokalani aud Automony were the nextcontestantsfor | mile.The former won as was expected and maele the following good tirae 23J —50i. Tho mare is now a fine starter anu andoubtedly the finest race hors3on the traokHorse meu thoagh, e ipresseil great adiuirat;on for Aatonoray. He will getthere soraa day. The trotting race between Fred Mae and Bert Lee had beeu withdnwn to the great disappointraeut of everybody so the raee between Nevada aml Johuny Hayward was the principal event in the trottiug line. The black borse was in excelleut condition and both he at d Haywird were pot totheir met.il by their drivers. In tbe third h’at HaywarJ warraed ap and won t e heat in the fol!owiug time; 36.Ī —1 22i—1 49J 2.27j. Nevada wor tbe other tliree heats and the mee His tirae was; (II42 -119—1.58-2.34. (2)38I.14$—1.53 -2.28J.(3) 39-1.15-1.53$ —2.31. The friends >f Senator Stauford then bad an itning and the popnlar grey hoise beat Qaeen L. “iiands down* in a oue mile race. T*me: 23 -531-123—151. A trotting neo betwceu Reqben Dexter’s . Jaylight and Ous. Scbnman’s W liie K.was the next event. Willie K took the first heai in 63—1 S5 —2.20—3.04 j and D>*xter's horse woa tbe next iwo beits and the race. Time; 45-127 2 53 45—1.27 256.2-5 10 the 11 mile race Horner had been ob!iged to withdraw bls fine mare Sar..h H so the race was Ieft to Seio*tor Stanford and Aotonomy. Ihe iatter w.ig n >t pnsbed aod tba Seoator took lbe pvse in 2.54». A family race betweeo Fred Mae. and Wby Kot fiuisbed tbe day. Tbe l<itier goi dist>nced in , in 4he first beat—Wnj Sotf Tbe great Fred M to. who was elaim- , ed to be too £at to trot against Bert Lee proved biu>self ao. Hia iime w«s: 3.01 —1.521 — 2 32— 3.12. Still the jadges didn’t kiek. 11 is oote«ortby tbat a noal > pieaMui tone prevoiied and tb«l i eruybody seemed io «sjoy Uiem* mHn—eren tbe lown. Tbe
jadges, Messrs Seeley, Sbaw. Capt. Tripp aod W. H. Rick«rc.. ' falfiiled tbeir doties in a most e£cient maaner as did tbe rest of the officers of tbe d«y. W3son «s « sUrter has no eqnrJ ; bere. Secretary Guurd hal , everything arraoged in a motd 5 satisfactory manner, and ever> i body was loud io praisiog b s ■ energ>- and accomodatiog spiri f .. s The Jockey Clnb entertained a ■ i naraber of prorainent people oi , theīr stand. Messrs Wodehonse aad Fujii weieamong tbc gnesfc. Professor Berger and his hanl | farnished excelient masic dnri3.z jthediy. A speciil booth wts I reserved for tha con$titution*d i i delegates. if tbose occnpyiug • i tae booth were the delegntes it is > eo wonder that we are gettiug i > constitation like the one no v being manufactnred. Tbe proprietor of the Mokaleia Stables > is to be bighly complimented oa • the resalt o£ the day. Wiih t’i3 , exception of Amorino all th) ranning horses were “Mokuleia bred.” Messrs Ballentine and II Horuer are trne gentleman!v t! sport.smen, and it is to be hoped tbat Honolala oftea will hav3 tlie ple »sure of their company—aud. iu ti.ne to eome, beat theū* 1 borses.