Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 136, 12 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Who stoI® Walker’s pmtsies? — FreJ Horncr is in iown— yoa | bet. Tbe 4th of Jaly is the next big dav. Tbe Bice party bas gone to | Kauai Frieman’s Luneh was a great gOCGMB. — Who is going to K.»balni on tbe 4tbl Pool selling was qnite lively Iast Satarday. * Evangelical things” are baving qnite a time. Tbe Kinau ieft this afternoon for Maui aud Hawaii. Tbe band will play tonigbt at Tbomas Sqnare. Tbere were veiy few arrests | yesterday. Botb the people aad poliee were orderly. Bishop Willis baptised a number of children in tbe Cutbedral last Suuday. I — ■ Dan Vida is mueh improved and wiil probab)y be around in a few weeks. — Tbo consolidated soda-works bad as many orders as tbey possibly eoukl atteud to yesterday. The nows of Lilian Lyraan’s death w;«s received witb grief by tbe many fricuds of the youug lady. Saus Souci was visited by a large number of people who eujoyed bost Simpson r 8 elegant |spread. Carl Widmann is yet rusticatiug in Kohala, and getting to be an expert in the lasso and bull I business. I N F. Burgess bas sentacommuniealion about tbe Sabbatb whieh will appear in tomorrow’s Holomua. Fraucis Leo Harden will nppear on the 23rd inst. before | the l’oliee judge and eiplain why j be yet exists. Jack Low met wilh a sligbt accideut on tbe track yesterday, | aud will probably be conhned to bis bed for a day or two. — Tbe Honolulu Atbletic Club bad au excellent field dayyestorday. A Iarge audience took iu tbe first class programme. Tbere was a Hawaiiao Sunday | Scbool pienie iast Saturday in I I tbe Kawaiahao grounds. A large j number of people attended. i I • Don’t forget to eall into King ; t Bros. and take a look at tbe art exbibitiou. The Leagne will i' keep it opea only for ooe montb. i i Clarence Macfarlane iutends to bott!e tbe blessinga be receivi etl siuce Saturday. Ciarence will j h*ve qnite a stock-in-trade. i i Tbe coostitutioual convention . I t - •• V ( contmued its jawing this moml ing. Oue member looked as i( I be had tbat ,, tired” fee!ing. ———. W. N. Armstroug spouted to a \ uumber of women at the y. M.C. i A. last Srtiarday. Tbe audieace ■ was very appropriate for the !; wouKl be statosman. ___ { | Tbe Hotel serred a first-class | dinner last Saturday. Tbe Qoīn- | tette eluh was in attendanoe, and j the *rrangement wan a oreJit to ! tbe man«gement. A lot of chi!dren enjoyed 2i(e at ! Punahon yesterday andoonsamed | watermeloas enoogh to start a • | cboler* farm. How many were j i missiag (rom aehool todayf i; A honae was borned dowa iaat j 1 Satarday uaar Si. Lonia Coliege. >; The fire depaztm«ftt tonwd oot [ but when th« eaginM arrived oa 1 j th« aoene tb« fire waa b*yoad | control.