Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TEXTH: Annual Meeting or rns HAWAnAN Jockev Club. JUNE 11. 1891. JUDGES. S I. Sh*w. Mr. R ck3urd Tripp. ST.\BTER. Chas. B. Wilaon. IIME KEEPEH. . Frank Halstead, Frank Kroeger, Wm. Lote. CLERKS 0F COCR-E Jack Low, Thomns Cumrain><. SADDUNG PADDOCK. J. K. Mnsebery, B. Green. OAk-ial ProfiTamme tāT Races to Commence at 10 a. m. Sharp. lsr —BICYCLE RACE. Pri2e Sliver MeUal; valued at 125. Enliano® fee #1.50; 1 mile »lash. Free for all. 2— KALAKAUA PDRSE 1100. Uunnini* Race; j mile daah. Free for all. 3— HON'OLULU PURSE $100. Trotting and Pacing, to harnesa; 2;40 das3. Free f <r all. Mile heats; be8t 2 in 3. 4 — ROSlTA CHALLENGE CUP. $200 AD1)ED. Rnnning Race; 1 mi!e dash. Froe for all. Winner of eup. lo beat record of Angie A. 1:454. 5— PRESIDENT WIDEMANX’S CUP, $75 ADDED. Running Race; for Hawaiiau bred. \ mile daah. G—JOCKEY CLUB PURSE $100 Trottingand Pacing, to harnesa Free for all. Mile heats; be-t 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO*S PURSE $100. Running Race; 1 mile dash. For Hawaiian bred. 8— MAUI PURSE $100. Trottingand Pacing, to hameee 3 minute For Hawaiian bred. Mile hcats; best 2 in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI PAUK PLRSE $125. Running Race; 1J mile daah. Free for all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PURSE. $100 Trotting and Pacing, lo hamea*. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; lieal 2 in 3. All entries are ,be made with the Secretary, at the ot!ice of C. O. Berger, on Merchant Stceef, before 2 p m Wedneaday, June Gth. 1894, at whieh time tbey wili clo»e. Eotry fees to be 10 per cent. ot the j purse, unleāa otfaer«iae 3i>ecitied. racea are to be run or i trotted uoder the rules of thc Jockey Club. All horses aro expected to | start unleaa witbdr»wn by 12 o'eloek nooo, oo Jone 9th, 1894. All Lorsea mu«t appear on ihe track at tbe tap of tbe bell from tbe Judges stand; otherwise they will be fiaed. Geom! *dm«a»soD 20 orat» Cmtd »Uad [extn] 30 eenle tnd J1 C*iri»ge [i&stde of eoone) eeeh |*).50 j Qo»ztenitzetch bedgee J5.0U W. M. Giffarct Secretarj' Hawaiian Jockey Clab may 10—2 wka dly THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing ]Jeirtlct u -ul Watehmaker, Utbmm$ Bock, 406 Pon, 8trHonolaia