Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
3ANS SOUCI. The llth June. —— Luneh will Le served at the pfpular sea side resort, SANS SOU C i, on Monday the 11, i fnm 11 o’eloek in the raorninf. Onlj a sbort walk from the ract track. T. A. SIMPSON, M»war. i First Semi-aQDual Exbihilio a ART LEAūUE. AT KIXG’S ART GALLER>. HOTEL STREET, Open from Jun« 9th to Julv 9th. Exhibition of oil paintmg, waUr colors, paste!s, sculpture. wooi carving and China painting. Admission • • - - .25 oenh». june 9-lma kamehameha day. We, the aoders : gqed, btg 1> inform their friends, that their storee wiil pot be opened on Mon - day, the llthof Joue. H, MAYACO.. H. E. SlcINTYRE A BROS, HESRY DAYIES * CO., LEWIS k CO.. CHXJ8TACE k CO. i june 8--2t