Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 Iune 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

. | Tfae Adrertiser who catches a persons eye nsuallv win? a costomer. Manv difierert styles of adrertising hare been idopted and witb more orless sac.'ess- by the belierers in tbe nse cf printers ink. The mannfacturers of Pears Soap. for instance, cccasion ally buy paintings thft fcave been on exhibition in tho Pf.ri’s Salon and have lithographs made from them for the pnrpose of bringing their prodact beforo the people. lu addition ;o sach side issues. Pear spends hundretls thonsands of doIlars aunmlU' among the newspapers and magazines. Some years ago the Agent> of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in adrertising by ' haring on Broadway dnriug business honrs īwo fatluessly .lre>sed Negroesweariagrery high 3ollars. ; on the backs of whieh wa> prinI ted “Use Smiths Pills.’’ The j idea was norei and the pnhlie [ caught on. IUsing Sun Stove Polish has been kept beforo the pnblic for years through persis- j tent, and sometimcs expen.-ive adrertising. Tweuty o<.ld ytars I ago the manufacturers of this ; polish started half a dozen nen i acrossthe ornimentto paint signs on rocks and fences. T!ie Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales more tban five bundred per cent in two ynars by , the nse of printers iu e. We beliere we have been iustrumontal in increasing the sales of the Aemotor by keepingererlastingly at it in Hawaii. We do not wish to s«y that adI rertising will sell auy maonfac- : tured article; thore is i.o use spendiug money in advertis ng •‘eheap and nasty’’ goo3s bocause the people will not b)hojd- ; winked. If Haviland Chi la ii'aa not the superior article |it is, all our advertising of it woahl not have sold the thonsands of *pieces that we hare. We simp y oall the attention oI the peop.e to it anu iis suporior quality is apparent to tho customer directly a pieee of it is examinej. Priniers ink has helped the sale of the James Locked Fen;e but I it would not hare dones so i( it had been as flimsy as the or dimy wire fence. First; the economy thore is in bailding it recon meuds it to the plantation manapcr and ; then its durability clincLes the the sale. If the stays aud washers cost as mueh as an oidioary ! redwood post our sales of the maieiial would not have r)acLed snch enormous proportions. Onr averago sale of the Paasy Iron Stove ia about two a ūay the j year round. If was not the best iron stove on the market we won!d not sell tbat many xn six ' montbs. Advertising is tho tip | to the pnbl:c tho good points in thearticle sells it jost as the gooxl qnalities of the Fiscber Steel I Range make it a desirable arti?!e | for people who wisu to ecoaomise i in the use of (oel. I

We bay oniy what has proven good after people in the Cnited : Statea or £arope have given it a trial; we profit by their experince ; il the articles are goood we buy and seli tbem; if they an- poor we steer clear of them. When we advertise an article it i.- to at- | tract attention to it; the news- ; i paper ; s tbe button we posb, tbe salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conpled wiih the aiiiole being a saperior j one has sold tboasands of tbe Frank Waloot Emory File. If it , bad been no better tban %n ordioary scythe stone we pn bahly j j wonld noi hare sold twenty. { • When a man finds out that bis j ■ table knives may be kept sLarp at j ■ all times at an expense oi fifty cents and a verv little elbow \ gxease he is qoite willing o try , tbe expenment Tte Bmiia Mwirs 907 Fort Sbrset