Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Col. Gornweli is in town. No gambling on the track on Mond»y. The Kongo wiil remain in port lill the end of the montb. } The art-exhibition i« drawing rery well. Freeman will “feed' all the animaU on Mond«y. — Tbe Kinau and Clandine eame into [ort early this morning. Jndge Cooper who bas been hearing the ca.se of the p.g. vs. Svlva returned today. The Ayers-Mabnka ca.se for breach of promise was on trial when the steamers left Maui. The Holomi a w ill not be issued on Monday. What rehef to Heniy Cast!e. The neit meeting of the Ameriean Leagoe will take plaee on Tuesday next at the usual plaee and usual honr. The llth of June races will be j the event of the year. A few unimporUnt withdrawals of horses don't interfero with the success of the day. Depntv Marshal Arthur Brown went to Ewa yestorday to look for a Japanese ranrderer. He retnrneil j ' on the 5 o’eloek train. Cricket match this afternoon at Makiki. The H. C. C. will try to beat the “Lower Deck of the Cliampion. The garae begins at 3 o’eloek sharp. A Japancse man-of-war, built in Japan. and of the raost improved modol, will probably rej lieve the Tak lehiho in the near j future. Jobnny Hayward was tiraed at 2:30 his morniug. Between him . and Nevada there ought to be a : first-class Knpping raatch. Tbe wise men of the councils enjoyed hard work last night at a special meeting. They now all feel deserviug of the gratitude of their feilow-meu— and a salary. A sj>ecial excursion to Pearl City has been arranged for Monday. An excellent opportunity is otrered by tho O. R. and L. Co. to inspect the futnre capital of Hawaii. The Bishop of Honolulu will continue bis discoqrse on the Sabbath on Hunday evening at 7:30, in St. Andrew’s Cathedral. The snbject being “The progressive Memorials of the Sabbath.” Bill Larsen will be awfnllybusy tomorrow if he is to ©nforce the , Suuday law. The shooting at Makiki, Portuguese Band, Traiuing of horses, Barbershops, Shoo-blacks, Cigar sellers «od parsous, fli have to be stoppcd. Even tbe hacks can t run, and Sereno mast walk to churcb. Tbe eloek on the government building is getting as erratic as an Attorney Geueral. Tho followingjhours are recorded &t 7 o’elook , j in the morning as seon by a | passer by: Thursday—3, Friday ; 11-45. Saturday 9 oeloek. Wbat | will it be tomorrw? , j X. A Simpson, tbe host of Sans Soaci, will have a most elegant spread. at reasonable tenns, | at his hotoI. Sans Sonci, on { Mond»y, from 11 o’olook iq tho forenoon. Losers on the first raoes wiil fiud oonsol«tion by , I oaIling on 8impson. 1 Chas. Div will in the futur< i mix the well-known 0_v»ter Cock- ;, Ui's, «nd the famoos Pnpeh 1 for whieh the Ancbor U celebtated. Billy CunningSam wili eontinue to tp*in dogs. magpiea aud iloaie. Juho Coakley will asaist , Harry Miller in the Paniheoo in 1 administering to th« thiTwty k trarellei.