Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.ti HOLOMUA, IH Pi:BLn>HE0 Kverv FJCCEIT 8C5DAI BT TIIE Halomaa Publishiag Co. At King St (TLoma.« block), Honolaia, H. 1. STnSCSnrrm, por Month, aC Cts. I Thc pa-'ee i« hy Catriers in the lni«n a’il •inliuH’-. ' i iDglaCopi» (jt8ik kt tlic Newn Dcalors «ini «t ;Le Uāiee of I mUieaUun. EDilUSD N0RRIE. - • Editor GEORGE E. SU!THIES • Manager XOTICE. All Itnsinoss CoaHBurlci»tioni* shonld be »l,ire-~. 1 to O*orge E Suiithie> Ilonolulu, H. I. t*,irre-.|ion,icn'>» «nd Connnnnic«tionrt lor unhlii’MUon *.honl«l lie»ddre»scd to thc Editor lluwaii ll iliiiuna. Xo oolioe will be j»iud U> uny anonyuiou» ooinmuuicutioni>. 15usiness Cards A. r. PETERSON, ATTORNET AT LAW. OC’uv; 113 Kuahuniann ?‘reel, Houolnln Uawaiian lslands. CHAJILES CREIGHTON. ATTOKXET AT LAW. Offico: 113 Kaahumann Street, Honoluln llMwanau lslanda, PAl’L NEUMANN, ATTORXKY AT LAW. 31-1 Murcbaut Stroot, Honoluln, Mulual Tolephono 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORXF,Y AXD COUXSELU>R AT LAW. Offi'c. Ohl Capitol Rt;ildins», (Honolnln Uale), a lj<>iuiug Post Offleo, Honolnln. jOI1N lota kaulukou. ATTORXEV AT LAW, (,>fTjce, eonioi Kiug & Bothei Sts. LEWIS j. LEVEY, Rcal Estate and Genenil Auctioneer. Coruer Fort and Qnecn S;reets, Henoluln Porson*l Httention givon to Sales of Furnilure. Roal Estate. Stock aud Gonon*l Merchandise. Uainol Tclenhone 23S A. ROSA, \TTORXEY AT.LAW, No. 15 Kaahnmanu St.. Honolulu, Hawaiiau lslaud&. M. H, LOHEIDE. SIGX AXD OBXAMEXTAL PA1XTER. [H.iwaiiau Hanlware Co.] All onU'rs j>rouiptly attouded to. THO.MAS L1NDSAY Munnfttdurin(f an<i Watchmaker, UoInemy BKvk, 405 For», Str. Honolnln W. S. LUCE AViiie-and Soirit M©rchant e.’impheU. FLre-proof Block, MERCIIANTSI.. UONOLULU.