Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, . RifiCger, ] m Stevedoix> W recker. tSTIHATES ASD CO>TRACTS OX ALL KEM>» OE WORK. ] The ?cboooner MAHIMAHI, 1 wili run regnUHj betv««a ;ius port zAd Waūliii. KA««iU»pu. Mokalno, Kmweaai •nd Kmki n tae hUuii of G*ha. For Frei*{lit, rtc , app>j to tbe Capt»ui. r lnqairo at Offic- of J. S. V\’aiker, ov-r Spreck;-ls’ Uank. or Wright Hrot> F»>rt Str*‘ct.i •W I tvī» Long Branch BATHING Establis}iment. This First-class Hathing Ilesort has been enlargetl aml is uow open to the puLlie. It is the best p!ace on tbe islan»ls to enjoy a bath an»l there is no better plaee to lav otf. Specia. aeeom-' mo»latious for Ladies. L’ramcars pass the ».loor every helf hourand on Saturdays and Sumlays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor. DAIM PPON Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The alw>ve Store hns received another S[*leudid Iuvoioe of |JapANESE JSilk, ANCY GrOODS, Per S. S. “China.” BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dr«« Ooods in «II sha'I'*, plain au l tijpired. CusLious Tuble (\>ver-, Utd Covei> ( Oowne, Chtuiiscs, Sh;iwU. ;Silk Crape lliliow Silks, All Colors Faucy Dr.»peries, £MBROIDERED | HARD£EHCHIEFS Doillies, Scarf.<, S tshea. JackeC8, C«]«, EU., l.to. N()VELTIESs Tbe rricesof Got>ds will a<toui«h joU; ucladiag ELEOaNĪ SILK KIM0N08I I ” Han>h>ouie Cigarette Case<, Fiu Cn«hī->u-t, Silk Tci ĪV«sies > I > •m UKGE 1M> MMILL JU’iXESE KIGS Silk rn>bpell««, light but streug; Chair S*>h’Kr-, Silk; Hnmlx>o HhU'U, ht(ed vritli pailejs; SUk Lump Shides, new <tvle. JAPANF,SE >CKEE>S, >rom $3 Vp. * LlKiE J»PlSESE l'aUKELLlN | Caa be Set vrilh P,>le in the ground, { nioe (or P>cuics or Lauches»>ut o( doorfc, ! thej oan be openeU out or useJ • teat. | CUTT()X CRAPES 1N GREAT VAR ETY UT inapeeūon Be*pectfullj Isvited. MBS. J- P. P. COLLACO, Pro?rietress. Aprl2-3tna Dr. Eel. Armitage,. 51. R. C- S. fEng.] L. R. C. P. |L»d.) D. P. H. IL’uivenatv ol C«mpl>ri<fge], būe J Woiiuea, l»la&d oI K»s«L HASKSTABLISHED HIM.sn F IX THE fj»o!«riT <xxtipio i hy D*. Eo« oomcr oi B> renuu» taJ l*u*.chbovr S:icc «■ —o; fice hol t 2S: — §to II lo 4 p.m.;7 to 8 p m. 8or<AVs. 2 to 4 p m. M«tui TcL 234 bj2J) TeLBcll Ml >