Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 135, 9 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PAC1FIC 8AL00N. C<nrn«-r Kinji aad Xuu*nn EDW. WOLTER.... Maztn>er. T}, e yl«iwn of LIQUOKS and BF.ER, sold *ny’where in to«n. Fizst-daau attendec<*. Call and jnlge (or yonr<«-lf. no 80-'1. NOTICE. DCRIN«» n>y »l>«ence from the ielan<L«, \lr. F. J. IO" KKY wili act for me under fuli j>ower of Attorney, and I wiil not rtf<i'‘>i>'ible forany bills eoutr. cted bj p.nvi)ti<? elae iu mj name. Mr. K. C. K 1 > WV. will atteud to *any orders left at the ehon. FRlTZ .T. WILHPLM, Hon.'luln, May 2t>, 1S9*. 123-lwdly IMl’N I) MASTER*S NUTiCE. Notice is herehy giv<>u to all pereous, th«t there ts at the Goverutnent i’onml nt Makiki, one sorrel horse, 1 white leg branded WOon the rii4ht hip: 1 s.<rrel h irso white for--bea<i hran.l indīscribable; 1 l>ay horse white spot on the forebead and back, three > whitc leg. bmnd (K) on the right hip; 1 bay hor-... wiiile s]Kit ou the forehead and b.tck, oti<- while Fc br.iuilcd on the r:ght hip hu 1J! on t ti<* left hiud; 1 biy nmre, white , 'iv>t on lh<* forehc;<d au.l back, two white i leg, br.iud indiscribuble; 1 lwy uian>, white apr<t on tbe (omheail and l«ck, braude<l JG on the left hind leg; l b«y uiure. white forebead braud indiscnb»bl«. Any js>rson or j»ersons owuing this ‘ ho:>e’ ure re.jnested to eo'ue aud take the >:ime on or heloie 12 o’eloek noon SArUKDAV, JUNK, 4, 181M. JAMES KUKON.L, Ponnd Masfer, Mhkiki, Jnne, 4. ISS44. jaue 4-lwk ' ĪHE COMMERCIAL SSLOON, Harry Klemme, Manager CVr. Nouanu «t Beretania sts. Monolnlu, H. I. # The Ot lv Sp >rt ng House in Tow n. O. I*. S. a S|>ocialitvL0HEXGRIN LAGER -BEER, AIways on Or->nght. 2 GI.ASSES F0R 25 CENTS. Brsf of H 'iucs, Lir/uors, and Ci£ars, al\vays on haxd. jul tf N0TICE. At a meeting of the stockhohler> «>f tl>e mOLOMUA PCBLISH ING CO. (Limited) hehl on the i 25th iust . the folioviug pereon8 *t.re tluly electetl offieers for the eu.suiug year: Ch.\s. B AVilson Presiilent F.i>muxd Noiuue. . Vice-President ;(r. E Smithies S©cretaty O. E Smithies Trensurer F. «L TesTa Anditor BOARI> OF MAXAGEKS; C W. Ashfobd, A. P. Petebsox axd F. Harrisox. 0. E. Smithiks, Secretary. Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Auother Iuvoice of the World Iienowned FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On dranght and by the keg. Also, as a Spocialty, Small Fresh Cauforhia 0YSTERS, FOU COCKTAlLS uik\\ 3ms