Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Far©well p. g. The races ob the llth »ill be worth «eeing. All blooJ. The Coanci's meet to-night at 7. What is np? The W. O. Hall left this morning for usaal ports. The North Pastoral Incubator issued anuther brood to-<lay. Dull times in the female franchise rote. In race N >. 10, Fred. Mae and Why Not have been eutered. Laek of spac0 nece>sitates tl.e bolding over of certain matters. * Johnnv Hayward’ is eutered in tho “free for all'' trottina race. The Waimanalo wrecking case is goirg on. I rospects are that it will Iast another week. Amercan League met last night for closed doors. Touight they hold a pnhlie meetuig. Band cr>ncert to-night at the Hawaiian Hotel —a large audieneo will be there. The attention paid to de \\ itt Tulninge by a certain clique was simj>ly disgusting. Nigel Jackson has got the “freedoin" of the town. The Custom House couldn’t hold him. C. 13. Wilaon, Cecil Brown aud 1 other sportsmeii are on the “other side" of Oahu. They will all be back in time for the raoes. All boMinoss houses should closo on the llth. If tbey don’t ! Arthnr Browu should be authorized to shut thera up liko any other Chinese c : garette stand. H. May Co., HE. Mdntvre A Bros., Honry Davis <k Co., Lewis A Co. and C. Hustace will close their grocery-stores uext Monday. — • Dan Vida is mneh improved m health, sincohisserioas accident. It is hoped that ho will be able to be around «gaiu in two or three weeks. No races for Dan 1 this y< ar. Boeter has gone. He left for more congonial climes where clothes are not needed and bananas aro plenty. Hawaii will not raiss him. Henry Castle is yet bere. , — Tiokets for gonoral admission to the graud stand, pulilie sfand, aud qiii.iter stretch badges for the llth of June races are now on s;ile at L S. Levey’s auelion room. at tho corner of Queen and Fort strect c . i! lt is believed that ihe 4th of July Commitlue of Arnmgements is at work As no notifioation of the doings of the committea h*s reached this office, the Americans who subscribe for the Holomua will be kept in the dark as to the manoer in wh eh fheir national dav is to be eelehniLM * Tomorniw the hotel will tempt ; the palates of Honoluln people by serving one of its exqnisite dini nens. The Qnintette Club will • be in attendance, and delight tbe guests with tbeir mus:c. lf the menu was printed today everybody wooKl go there, and the large diniug room be orer-crowd-ed. Let eaeh see and t.iste for i himself. The eameo-oil pictuns of Mr. :j W. B. Ash, who at present is I : havtng his studio at the Aloha I Gallery on Nuuauu street are i j ver>’ artu»tic and well worth ini spectiug. Theexcellent work of i i Mr. Ash and tbe veiy rcsonable [ I prices asked by the artist shonld Ugivehim a liberal paironage of »; all who desiro preaerve their I I beautifal Ukenesa for tbe beoefit I j of future generations.