Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

— Tb« Adr«rtwer tho catches • persons eye asanlly wius a ccstomer. Many dirferenl atyies of advertising have boen a«iopt«Hi au«l witli naore or less «occesa, by the beli«vers in the ose of printers ink. The njanufaolurers of Pears Soap. for iustance. occasion = ally buy ju»intings that h«ve l»een on evhibition in the Pari‘s Sa!on au«l have l.thograj>hs maile hoiu Ihein for the parp.»se of t bringing tbeir py.l Jct before | the j>eoj>le. Ia «llilioo to «aeh si»le issaes, Pearsf>enils buD<)reds i tbousan<ls of <JoIlais annually I among the newspajH>rs an<) magazines. Some years ago tho \gent> of certain article on sale in Xew York ma*!e a hit iu advert;sing by . baving on Bro«d«ray daring business honrs two fatlaesaly drMaed Negroesweariogvery higbcollars. on tbe backs of whieh w.is pnn- ; te<.l “Use Smiths Pills.‘' The ; iilea was novel au<l the j>nblic j canght on. Rlsing Sun Stove Polish has been kept before the pahlie for years throngh persistent, anil sometimes exj>ensive advertising. Tweuly tnl<l years ago the mannfacturers of this po!ish started half a <lozen men acrossthe omimeul to paiut aigus on rocks ao<l feoces. The Aerraotor Co., of Chicago bavo iucreaaed its sales more Ihan five bumlred per cent in two years by j the use of j>riuters iuk. Wo beheve we have beeu instrumeu- ; tal in increasiug the siles of the Aemotor by keej*iugeverlastingly at it in Hawaii. We »Jo not wish to say tbat atlvertising will sell auy maunfactured aiiiela; there is ao use sjieDding inonoy iu advertising “eheap and nasty” goods because the f<e<»j>lo will not be hoodwinked. lf Uaviland Chiua waa not tbe superior article »it is, all our advertising of it woukl not have sold the thousands of j)ieces thut we bave. We simply eall the attentioQ of tbe j>eoj>le to it aud its superior quality is apparI ent to tbe costomer directly a pieee of it is exaiuiued. i Printers ink has heij>ed the sule of tbe James Locked Feuce but it would not h.ive dones so if it had been as tlimsy as the or dinuy wire fence. First; the economy tbere is in buildiug it recommends it to the pIautatioQ manager and tben its durubiiity elinehea the tbe sule If the stuys and washers cost as mueh as an ordinaty re«!wood post our sales of tbe muterial wouhl not have reacbed ' such enortnoas projK>rtioos. Our averuge sale of the Pansy Iron Stove is about two a duy the I I yeur round. lf was uot the best iron stove on the market we , wouid uot soll tbut muny m six monUis. Advertisiug is tbe tip 1 1 tbe pabl:c tbe good jK>ints in thearticle sells it just as the good qualitiea of tae Fischer Bteel Range muke it u desiruble aniele ‘ for poople who wish kieeonomiae ; in the use of fucl. We bay only what has proven good after j>eople in the United 8tates or Earope bave given it a trial; we profit by tiieir t?xperiuce if the articies aro g<>ood we bay ! an<l seli tbem; if tbey ure j>oor we steer cie«r of them. Wheu we sdvertise an article it is to attract attention to it; tbe new*- \ j>a;>er ’s the button we pusb, thw salesmaa does tbe rest. Persistent advertising eoapleU t witb tbe art cie beiug a superior ooe h is sold thoasan<Ls of tbe Fran* Wulool E.uory Pile. I£ it had b«eu no better than an ordinary seytLo stoae we probably w<>uld not bave sold twenty. 1 When a mun finds out tbat his table kuives may be kej>tsbarp at all timea at an expjnse of fifty oents and a very little elbow grea.se bo is qnite willing to try the expenmeut. NTH8 HmiLi Hardware 9U7 FortStml