Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
We are please<l to se«* that there is u move ou foot to huve streetnutoes plao«d iu coaspicuous plaoee and the houa s properly uutubere<l. lt is really un irap(*ssit>ility, not alone for strangers but even for k;iraaiinns to liml their way in the suburbs of thb t'>wn. A while ngo u San Francisco ehap euioe here and i started numbering the houses. I lie d’Sappeared witho'it tinishing I the job, and the result is that i t!ie town is in a worse condition | than it ever was, and that the mix- | ture of new and old nambers on 1 the liouaea, aithough very pictur- ‘ esque, is rather puzz!iug to the innocent way-farer. Let us hope that tbe new syndicate will ro1 ceiye 6ufficieut eneouragemeat | from the govornmeut, and from : private parties to enahle them to carry the work out in a proper way. At tfae sara° tirae we should consider it a g<>od idea if people wonld plaee their naraes on ttieir gates as it is done in other civilized piaces. A small porceiain |or brass plute with tbe name iooku verj' neat. and is very in- ‘ expensive, and it will prove a ; boon to tbose who are in the ’ h;»bit of raaking ealla. When I then. some day we become very | oivilised, we ro«y haye a letter- : delivery »ystero, whieh at preseut j wou)d be nearly an impossibilitv, as no Ietter-camer wonld be able to remember whieh hoase wus, whieh because as the A<lverii*er says. they are ail alike and notfaing to signify the uame» ot ihe , resideuts.