Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — Advise Hatch! [ARTICLE]
Advise Hatch!
— lf the J*irrr<i«r »ml the Minister of Foreign Aff«irs ean be believed ConsaKJenerml Wi!der h*« • «peeial telepbone wire froro Washington to hLs offi«» in San Fn»ucbc«>, and every- tima a steamer leaves S«n Fraucisoo. Frank II«sting3 rushes» fn»ntic«lly to his end of the instrament. ringsnptb€ great Consnl-General *?»d bawls ont **Advi» Haleh.” lt īs rem«rkab!e that nobody else in San Francisco not even thc presH r**ceives such iraportant aml “latest” uews as does the agent «>f Hatcb and pg. Bul tben, C:eveljud aud H»stings «l\\ays were churas, Yesterdiy the winl b!ew a pieee of paper ont of a wiu«l"w in the palaee. A glance at it showed that it ca»ne fr\>m tbe Secretary’s desk iu tln* Cooncil and eridentiy ha«l been overI«K>ke«l by thnt interestiug gentl«‘inan. It was a telegnj>!iic or telej»bone d;s; atch aud reads as follows. Advisk Hatch Th it Uie Turkey resolution is past redemption. Thal Turkey was pulled down by the Vest. T h ,it Clev»la nd expressly w ishes Kahanleliodo have u vacwtion. Tbat the p. g. is all right. That the Royalist’s uame is raud. That it wouhl be wise to find some mora dynamite uear the Queen's pl.iee. I That we have fixe«l Spreckels. That I have been «l ning aud wimng SeuatorTurkey and C!eveland That I had to leave my watch aud ovor-coat. because they ate more than I bad bargained for. Th;«t Cleveland says you must get npaplol or a revolution or i s 'metbing seusational. That Blount will be sent to Hawnii and left to the mercy of the Central Union. That Cleveland wants W. O. Smith to eome over and be Chie Justico «ud oonfi«lentifll a«lviser. Th«t Cleveland fally approves of the draft of the new constitu tion and intends to alter the American ou tho Hawaiian modeI. Tell Emmalnlh not to make any changea. | That Iam drv. F. H.