Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ORmV A Y Y PORTER, Robinsou Bloc1c, Hotd St., leiween Fort and Nwuanu, ' Have Just Ecceivtd. jer Late Arrnals. tle I fcjfest ?tcck of FL R N1TURE Erer ImpOrted to t'iis Countrr. Compri^ing I Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In So!id Oak, and of Ihe L A T£STDESĪGNS. ESPECIAL AIIENIION* IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WĪCKBR WAR.EJ, Beant fal Dos gns nf Wicker Ware, cousisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, > to., vou ean got these in any you desire. CHAIRS, I Conntless numbors of CHAIRS, in every style, inclnding OFFICE aud HIOH CHAIRS. EHTEITSIOIT We have had a nuraber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to' mutch. We havo now in stock the most

BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURF EVER SEEN ilERE. Sideboarcls and -;- Clxiffoniers 13IVA TSTS.^ Divans covered witli PORTIERS aro liecoming qnite tbe rage in plaee of LOUNGES —we manafactare them to order, and havo a laigo stock of POIiTIERS to select from. EEDDXiraGreat Assortment ofWOVEN WIKE Af.\TTRESSES —Spring,H;>ir, Moss, Wool ani Straw Mattresses on band and iu!i«ie to order. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILE FLOSS fur Pillows. CRII1S, CRADLES. etc. W1ND0W SHAD£S of ail oolors and sizes. eOUN’IOE POLES, in \vood or bnss trimmings. E2 E IP.A. lEIWO-. | Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable rates. CABINET MAKIN’O, in all its brancbes, br Compeaent Workmen. ! MATTINO LA1D and Int rior Decorating ander tho Sapervision of . Mr. GEORGE ORDWAT. Our Goot\s are First Chss. and onr prices are the Iowest Come and be convinced —a trial is solioited. Bell 525. telepho.ves: Mutuai 645. ORDWAT Ā PQRTER. Ribinson Olook. helween Fort and Nuoanu

L_'-Lg-"!P*" } H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee , Roasters AND Provision Merchants 98 Fort Str«et, Honolaln Families. Plantations anii Ships snpplied rith cboieest Ewropean dtAmerican Grocerie* Calilornia Prodnce by Erery St*uner. ...

CitysaNleat Oppo. Qneen Emma Hall, JOS. TINKER, Maker ofihe CeUbraled Cambridge Pork Sausage ! iTnY To£». Me*i Deiivered lo Any Part o tbe City and Sobārbs. Mainel Telepbona Jiumbex 289. Established 1833