Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAJ1 HOLOMlA, I'CbI.IBHED i%verv xVfternoon EXCEIT SCV1>AT Bt THE Holomua PubIishingCo. At KingSt (Tbomas block). iīunuiulu. H. I. SUBSCaffT:02l. per Moath, 50 Cts. Th«> in MinN in thc 1',« and »nhurt>'. SingUCopiwlatS*l* •t ihe N»*w. I>f»U r» ud at tue Offios of l>ui>l!cation. EOMUNO N0RRIE, - - Editor GEORGE E. SMITHIēS - Manager XOTICE. All ItnKincs» ConiTnurications Khould be »'idre~'«'1 to C«-t.*rge t Siuiihits UonoInlu, H. I. e'oneKpoimenee an>l OominnnienUon* tor pnhlieaUon »bonld l»c Kd.lr*nsc<i t» the E«lilor ilawaii Holonin*. No noiiee will be paid to any auimyuiou» ooaieiauioaUonK. Husiuoss Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTORKEY AT LAW, Offlcc: 113 Kaahumann S‘n?ct, Ilonoluln linwanan l»lands. CIIARLES CREIGHTON. ATTOUN*Et AT LAW. vi* -. 113 KAiihumanu Slrect. Honolnln Hawanau lalamla. PAUL NEUMANN. ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Mfnbant Street. Honolula. Mutual Tolephone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD. A nOKNF.Y AND OOUN8KLLOR AT LAW. t>fRoe. Ohl Cupitol r>nilding. (Honolnln Uah>i, adjoining l'oal Officc, Honolnlu. .iOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOUNF-V AT LAW, OOioe. coruer King A Bethel Sts.

LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Estale aiui Geuei*al Auctioueer. Gjrn«r Fort Quoou Str««U, Honoialn Penonal attenti>»n g‘von to Sales of Furuilure, lieal Estato. Stock and Geuerrtl MercLandiae. llnlnal 1 .-lei'hou* 2S$ A. ROSA, aitokxi:v at,law, No. 15KaahumauaSt,Honolalo, , Uawaiinn ialamia. M. U, LOUEIDE, SIOS ASD ORN\MLNTAL PAIXTEK. Harviware 0o.]| All crders promptly attonded to. THOMAS LINDSAI .\īanHfneiaring Jtweler an J W’oleA , MoIn«rnj Bk*ek. 405 Fort, Str. Honohiln W. S. LUCE AVine and Soirit Mei»chaut (’a mpUU Firt-proof Block, H£BCHAXTST.. HONOLULU.