Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVTES, . I Ri2rger, Stevedoro a*d W ’recker. Dm«iTl8 \ND COSTHXCTa oX ALL KIN»-» OF WOBK. The Schoooner «iQ ron regnIaHr betweea ihU t»rt »n.i Waūioa. Kawwnapau. Moknkia, Keawenai »nd Kaiki on tbe isiand o( Oaha. Far Fmght, etc , »ppiy to lāt C»ptain. Inqnire at Oftic-* of J. S, VTalker, ov r Spreck ls’ Bank, or Wright Bro? Fort Strcet.i dec l6-rt Long Branch BAT H I N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlargeil aud is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islamls to enjoy a bath anJ thcre is no better plaee to lay oft. Speci.tl aeeommodatious for L;ulies. Tramcars pass the door every half houraud on Saturdays aud Snndays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Pioprietor DAINIPPOS Hotel street (Arlington Block.) Tho above Rtore has re«-ived auother ISi>teudid Invoioe of jJ APANE5E 1L K, f ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COM1’R1SINi) — BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dress Ooode m all shade, phiia and tignred. Gnshions, Table Co»ers, Bcd Covers, Gowns, (.'ht-i!iises, ShawLs. S3k Crape llainlow Site,; Ail Colors Fancy Draperies, EMBROIDERED i HANDKERGRIEFS Doiliies, Soarfs. S;ishes, Jackets, C<tps, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: , The rriceso{ these Goods will astonisb yonj includiug ELEOaNĪ SiLK KIMŪN0SI Handsome Cigarettc Cases, Piu Onshions, Silk In. Cossies, L1RGE AM> S.H1LL Jll'AJiESF. RIGS Silk rmbrellas. litiht bnt strong; Chair 8lddlts, Silt; Bamboo Bl>ud«, tit»ed wi;h pnQeys; 8ilk Lamp Sustles, new »:yle. JArANF.sE SCBFDS, From $3 l p. ’ LtRtiE J iPt>'ES£ UBBBELLAS Can be Set with Pole ia tbe gtoand, niee tor Picuics or Lonehea >nt o1 doore, they ean be opeued out or ns<.d as » tent. CUTTON CRAPES 1» GREAT VAR:ETY CF-Inspection Bespe«tfuQy Iarited. MRS. J. P P. COLLACO, Proprietress. Aprl2-oai« Dr. Eel. Armitage, i II. K, C. S- fEns;.] L. R. C. 3*. [Lond.] D. i P. H. rCniversity oI C»mpbrid{»L late 1 oi 'V«nuea. lsland of Ru»i. Has kstablished nntsEiF ix the o:3oc for. -rly oo«spsed ty Dr. K.o’*. torner of B.rru.aw and Puceh »wi Stiee;s. — OFFICE HOUik>; — 9h> 11 *•»■; 2 to 4 pjn.;7 toSp a. Scnoav*; 2 io i p.m. Matnftl TeL 234 2) Tel.B*U M1