Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner King nnd Nnnann StiwU. EDW. WOLTEB Managw. Th« Fmest «elenkm o( LIQUORS»nd BEEU, fsold &nvwhere ia the town. K:ntt-class attendence. Call and jndee for ronrsclf. no SO-*f. NOTICE. DUR1XG mv absence frotn the islands. Mr. F. J. LO"'KKY will act for me ander fnll power of Attorney, and I w ill not restv>n.fibl“ for any hill» oontracted by anvone elie in n»y name. Mr. K. C. R< > IFK will attend to Jany order8 Ieft at the sbnp. FRITZ .T. WILHELM, Honoluln, May 20, 1894. 123-lwdly POCND MASTER’S NOTiCE. Notice is hereby given to all perscus, tbat there is ut the Govemiuent Pouml at Makiki, one sorrel horse, 1 white leg branded WO ou the right hip: 1 sorrel borse white fi>r<-head brand indiscribable; 1 bay borse white spot on the forehei«d und bacīs, lhree ; whiie 1—brand (K) ou the right hip; 1 bay horse. white 8[>ot on the (orehead aud back, ou*- white leg. brunded vjl’ on the right hip | un l JI on the left hiud; 1 bay mare, white i sjK't ou the (orehead and back, two white ' leg, braud indiscril>able; I bay iuare, white i sjK>t on the fort'head aud imek, branded JG I on :be left hind leg; 1 bay tuare, white fore- ; hearl brund indiscnbable. Any person or jK.-rsous owning this j horse are reqnested to eome and | lak'- the same on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATl'RDAV, JUNE, 4, 1594. JAMES KUKONA, Ponn>l Master. Makiki, Jnne. 4, 1894. june4-lwk I ~ i THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON, I Harry KlEMME, Manager Cor. Nauanu Beret.mia sts. Honolulu, H. I. The Only 8portmg House in Town. O. P. S. a Speciality. LOHEXGRIN LAGER 'BEKR, Always on Dr-mglit. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Br.sf of 1 Vincs, Liquors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAM>. jul tf NOTICE. At a meeting of tbo stockhoMer> of tbe HOLC)MUA L’L'HLIHH INQ CO. (Limited) beld ou tbe 25tb inst., tbe f«)llowiug persons were doly eiected officers for tbe ensuing yeur: Ch.vs. B. WiL>i)M President F. Mi'N'D Nokkie. . Vice Pr©»ident G. E Sjhthiks Secretary G. E Smithies Treasurer F. J. Testa Auditor BOABD OF MAXAGERS: C. W. Ashfobd, A. P. Peterson asd F. Harrisos. G. E. SMiTniKS, , Secretary, Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA," Auother Invoice of the World j Renowned FREOERICKSBUBG IAGER BEER Oq draogbt and by tbe keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS, FOH COCKT AlLS mayl 3ms