Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

l*j, E. | JIMPOKTER.S AN*D DEALEI?S IX Groceries, I 3 rovisions AND F eed, EAST COEXEB FORT A KIXG.STS. New Goods Rec’d By even* Packet frora the Eastern States am! Earope. Fre»h Califorma Prodnce bv eveiy stenraer. All oniers f* tbfully dttended to, and Goods <1elivereJ to anv part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Is!and S )licited. S;»t sfaction Gnar.-«nteed. Post Oftice Box X ». 14ō. Teiei>hone X«-. 92.

TEXTH Annual Meeting of rnK I I.\ WA 11 A N Jockev CIub. JUNE 11. 1894. Ollieial Progi‘amme Jinces to Oommenee n f 10 a. m. Sharp. 1st—B1CYCLE RACE. Pr ze Sliver Medal; valued «t $25. Eulinnee fee $1.50; 1 mile (Ineh. Free for all. 2—KAHKAUA PURSE $100. Running llae*; J inile dash. Free f««r all. 3— HONOLULO PURSE $1'*0. S Trotting and Pacing, to harnese; 240 class. Free f r a 11. Mile heale; be»t 2 in 3. 4— ROSlTA CHALLENUE Cl P. $200 ADDED. Ilnnning U lee: 1 mile dasb. Frt>e for uII. \Vinner ofcup. tt> bt“at r«-c >rd of Angie A. 1:45|. .*> -P11KS11)KNT ‘\VIDKMANN’S C1'P, $75 ADDED. Kunnirg Race; f r Hawaiian bred. 4 u, P e Uanh, r. —JOCKEY CLUB P(JRSE $100 Tn»ttingand Pacing, to harness I Frec for all. Mile hoats; best; 3 in 5. 7 — OUKANie STEAMSHIP CO’S | Pl’KSE $100. Ruuning Race; 1 mi’ie dash. j For Havraiianbred. 8— MAUI PPRSK $100. Trotting and Pacing, to harne«8 j 3 tninute For Hawaiian i bred. Mile heats; besl 2in 3. 9 —KAPIOl.ANI PAKK Pl rse $125. Hunniup Rac*; 1$ Free f*r all. 10—KA M EHA MKHA $kM mile dash.! PL’BSK, Trotting and P.»cing, to. harnes!». Ft>r Hawaiian bred; mile heate; l>e8t 2 in 3. entriee are to be made \vith ihe Se\'rct:iry, at lbe office of C. O. B rgt r. on Merchant Streel, h» fore 2 i' K M’ednestUy, June 6th., IW‘4. at w h : eh time they will close.J hntrv fees t» be 10 per cent- ot the! purae, un)ess olherwise spet'ified. All races arc to be run or trotted undcr th« rules of the Jockey Club. All horses are expt'cted to sUrt uuless withdrawu hy 12 o'eloek noon, on June 9tb, 1S94. fJF“All horees mu8t appear on tbe lrack at the tap of the hell froiu the Judgee 8taud; otherwise lbey will befiued. OeiMnl aiimiaaion 50 <vnt» Gnnd «Ucd [extra] 50 oent» and |l [imn'le <rf ennnw] «aeh $2-50 Qunrterstrvtuh twd(n> $5.00 W. M. Grifiarde Secretary Hawaiim Joolcey Clab ai»y 10—2 wka dly