Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TENTH Annual Meeting Of THK HA.AVAlTIA2s Joekev Club. Il.NE 11. 1891. JUDGES. S I. Sbaw, Vr. K ok*rJ. C ip" Tripp. STARTEH. Chas B. \Vils.m. IIME KhEPEH. Frank Halsl»'»id. Fn«ns Kru-ger. Wm. Love. CLERKS 0F COCHSE. Jack Low, Thomns Cumra:E.s. SADDUNG P.\DDOCK. J. K. Musoberv, P. Greea. OHieial Profframme Rnces to Commcnce at 10 a. m. Skarp. lsr—BICYCLE RACE. Prixe Sliver M<h1»1; valueil at Enlianee fee ll.o»); 1 mile Ja?h. Free for all. 2— EALAKAUA PURSE 1100. Running Race; $ mile dash. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU Pl T RSE n-X). Trotting nnd Pacing, to harness ; 240 c!ass. Free f r »11. Mile hcats; Lcst 2 in 3. 4— R0SITA CHALLENGE CLP. 1200 ADUED. Hunning Rtco: 1 nule d,tsh. Free f>r a 11. Winncr of cu[». to beat record of Angic A. 1 ;4'»4. 5— FRESIDENT WIDEMANN’S CUP, 175 ADDKD. Hunnirg R.»ce; for Hawiiiaa bred. -J m Le da.sh. 6 — JOCKEV CLUB PURSE $100 Trottingand Pacing, to harncss Free fur all. Mile heats; be«t 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE $100. Ruaning Race; 1 miie dosh. For Hawaiii n hrcd. 8— MAUI PURSE 1100. Troltiug and Pacing, lo hameaa 3 minule c!ass. F»>r Hawaiian brcd. Mile heats; bc3t 2in 3. 9— PAUK Pl USE $125. Running Race; 1$ mile dash. Free f »r ail. 10— KAMEHAMEHA Pl R3K. $100 Trotting »nl P.tcing. to li trnes J . F <r Haw:>i;.tn hrcd; mile hc*ts; best 2 in 3. eofritsar- t>» b" with th" Secrelarj, at tbe offi:c • f C. O. Berger. on Merchant S'.ret», bcfore 2 i' m \Vetlne»<Uy f June <*lh. 1894, at « b : ch lime tbey will el <<••?. Entrv fses t • be 10 f>er cent. ol lbe i»urse. unlcss othorwīie s;>ccifi‘d. are t<» be run or lrottcd aader the ruics of lbe Jockey Club. All horses are expccted to I start unlcss withdrawn by 12 • »’ciock noon, on June 9lh, 1894. ffF*'A!l horses mu<t appcar on the tra> k at the tap of the hell from Ihe Judges staud; otberw»se | tbey will be tiacd. G«o«raJ a.lmu«ioa 50 eenU ljit&ii*Uad[ntn] aU noU and $i C«rrii%"! [miide of conrseJ eaeh ŌO Quitenuetc!> b*dges..... $5.00 ; • AV. M. Grittarct Sccrebry HiwūKn Jockey CTnb may 10—2 wka d.y THOMA9 LIJfDSAT Munnf'.idurinj \JtweUr u ut Wutehmak'rr, ** Fort. S«r. awMoia