Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 134, 8 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I ' KAMEHAMEHA DAY. We, tbe urders>tJ«<l. b«-s: to | !nforoi lh«ir friend9, tfaat :he«r 'toree will rot be or«ned oo Moo- | day, tbe Illbof Juoe. H. MAY A CO.. H. K. MclNTYRE BKOS, HENRY D.mES Jc CO . LEWI8 * CO.. CHUSTACE Jc CO. june 8-2t The “Eagle Houae’’ The Lease nml fhe Good ]\'Ul of ihis Favorife Family Hoiel. THERE ARE FOUR DETAC’ttace-> annexrt! t> tfae i i'te: su : ,Ub’e f«rpr:v.te f-»mi ies, Tfar main buiUlirg conUir.s 20 Hed Hooms larg«> I)ining U orn. l : arlor. etc. The f ;rnit >re is al! * eg»nt ar.d in g‘>0\] coniliti >n. The Grouncts are beactifnlly laid nt in Tre*s, Fl>weis. Ferns, and i 'ther P!ant«}. This business ein b.* br >nght al i birgiin on easy tero>3 as lo }>;.%•- , nent. to T. E- KROCSE. Arlmgton Hotel olKee. may 9-tf OCEANIC SteamshipCo Time Table. I LOCAL LINE. 9. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honoluln fr>m S, F, n>r S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19 May. 2»5. June 16 Juue 23. Throufifh. I-iuo-From San Fnn. for Sydnoy. Arrive Honolulu E rom Sydney for San Franu;co. Leave Houolulu. Kerosene 011. — • THE ALOHA,’ Hgh Grade Oil. Pr'c* M >derate, at r. H. 0AUIE8 & Co. mvl6 Im Hr. ajtGRTz, , 1IAS RE-OPEXED HIS 1 I Boot & Shoe Store, C*pP°*ite tiie Cinb SUble on tortStreet. and will be gl<a. lto i -e h:s old fneods. i m.«y7-tf. H. LQ9JE, t*ublic. CoUector and General Busi iess Agent. Paieniee of Lose’s Chem cal Compocsd for Clarifyiny Cane Juue. \ Cub-Atjent for several of the Best • I FIRE IN8URASCE C0S. IWp&OM a. P. 0. Boi 30». | H«rchiuU ■trsat, Hoaolala.